OCP Crime Prevention Unit 002, also known as RoboCable, was a cyborg police officer, secretly created by OCP's Security Concepts from the remains of deceased police officer John T. Cable.
Shortly after his activation, RoboCable was sent to attack the CEO of OCP. Believing it to be RoboCop – who was created with the remains of Cable's late partner Alex Murphy – she called for his termination. After being given the go ahead to do whatever was necessary to bring RoboCop down, Sara sent RoboCable to destroy RoboCop, who MediaNet had declared to be armed and dangerous. RoboCop and RoboCable faced off, with RoboCop just managing to escape to prevent the injury of innocent civilians in the area.[1]

RoboCable was then sent with the Systems Support strike team to apprehend RoboCop. RoboCop managed to get through to Cable and the two teamed up as they were being hunted by OCP to be destroyed in favor of S.A.I.N.T..[1]
While protecting Murphy, Cable was captured by David Kaydick after being disabled by the Systems Support team. Cable's program was altered by Kaydick, a former research scientist wanted by OCP for crimes against the company, and he was forced into loyalty to Kaydick and his mission. Kaydick used Cable to trap RoboCop as well as allies Ann R. Key, Lexx Icon, and Abby Normal so that he could kidnap his daughter Jordan, carrier of a virus known as Legion. RoboCable attacked Murphy, but they halted their fight to stop an attack by Systems Support. Murphy and Cable held each other at gun point after Cable fires at James Murphy, but Cable left the area at Kaydick's demand in order to help him invade OCP Headquarters.[2]
Cable, Kaydick, and Jordan assaulted the OCP Headquarters building in downtown Delta City to upload Legion into the S.A.I.N.T. program. To gain access to the servers, they captured Sara Cable. While Kaydick attempted to reprogram S.A.I.N.T., Cable and Murphy fought for a final time. After regaining his humanity, and knowing that the only way to stop Kaydick from unleashing Legion – which had infected S.A.I.N.T. and killed both Kaydick and Key – was to detonate an EMP in the chamber. Cable disabled Murphy and uploads a shutdown command and video into his memory explaining his final gift to his former partner: shutting him down to save him from the EMP as well as the deletion of all traces of the Prime Directives from Murphy's operating system, allowing him to awake as Alex Murphy instead of RoboCop.[3]
Cable then went to the S.A.I.N.T. chamber and talked to the artificial intelligence about chess, specifically his own move known as the "Cable Maneuver." He sacrificed his life to destroy S.A.I.N.T. with an EMP, destroying it and shutting down all computer and power systems in Delta City.[3]