RoboCop Wiki
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This article deals with the cyborg. For the model cop and world class husband, see Alex Murphy. For other articles with this title, see RoboCop (disambiguation).
This article is currently missing information from the 2003 RoboCop game.

"Murphy! It's you!"

Officer Anne Lewis[src]

OCP Crime Prevention Unit 001, or better known as RoboCop, was a cyborg police officer, created by Omni Consumer Products with the remains of the brutally murdered police officer Alex Murphy.



When the OCP Security Concepts project ED-209 ran into serious delays and cost overruns, the Old Man ordered a backup plan. Bob Morton took the assignment.[1]

OCP restructured the Detroit Police Department with "prime candidates according to risk factor", as another victim of criminality was soon expected to be found. After the failed presentation of the ED prototype, Morton approached the Old Man over the protests of Dick Jones. The Old Man was curious enough to invite Morton and his staff for a full presentation of his RoboCop program.[1]

After receiving the call from the emergency room, the scientists and surgeons at Security Concepts swung into action, harvesting what was left of the brutally slain police officer Alex Murphy's organic components: parts of his digestive tract, what was left of his brain, several organs and his left arm, (though the arm was later amputated at the demand of Morton), effectively turning Murphy's remains into the OCP Crime Prevention Unit 001, or "RoboCop", as he was more widely known, a cyborg with computer and mechanically assisted reflexes, memory and a 'lifetime' of law enforcement programming and a selection of dynamic software for plotting strategies and ballistic vectors in any situation. RoboCop's law enforcement protocol consisted of four "prime directives" that guided his actions on the streets.[1]

Initial activation[]

RoboCop shooting

Bob Morton observed RoboCop's initial evaluation and testing personally and was impressed with his marksmanship trials, during which he shot the cardboard head off a humanoid target. After being assigned to the Metro West precinct, RoboCop's first field test was just as impressive, during which he used his advanced on-board technology to stop a convenience store robber, then plot a vector for a bullet to sail harmlessly through a female hostage's skirt and cripple a would-be rapist. Later on, on the very same night, he used thermographic vision to save the then Mayor from the clutches of a maniacal politician.[1]

Avenging Murphy[]

RoboCop dream

However, not everything was proceeding perfectly, according to OCP's initial projections. As Alex Murphy had had his memories erased, and on-board programming directing his actions, it was assumed that every scintillum of Murphy's personality had died with him on the operating table. But this proved not to be entirely true. One night, as the machine was at rest and sitting in his chair, he began to experience detailed synaptic response: a vivid dream of his former life, torture, and death at the hands of Clarence Boddicker and his gang. RoboCop woke suddenly, and, ignoring the science team's protests, walked out of the precinct.[1]

Coincidentally, Murphy's partner, Officer Lewis was just on her way in with a suspect and her new partner. Having noticed RoboCop twirling his gun into his holster during calibration earlier in the week (a habit she witnessed Murphy perform before his death), she went to him and, after a few tries, managed to get his attention, then told him he was Murphy. RoboCop hesitated, seemingly unable to process the data, before continuing on his way out.[1]

Questioning Emil

While driving around on an unscheduled patrol, RoboCop spotted Emil Antonowsky of Boddicker's gang holding up a gas station and closed in, managing to get the drop on him and ordering him to surrender. Announcing to the hardened criminal "Dead or alive, you're coming with me!" Emil was taken aback for a few moments, suddenly recognizing the order as the same that Murphy had given him when they first met. In growing panic, Emil recognized RoboCop and related to him that he and the gang had killed Murphy. RoboCop was stunned, playing Emil's statement back to himself several times. Emil opened fire, hitting the armored officer several times and puncturing the hose he'd used to fill up, spraying gasoline everywhere. Attempting to cover his escape, Emil tossed a lit cigarette at the pool of spilled fuel, which ignited, prompting a hug explosion of the station. RoboCop quickly regained his composure in time to prevent Emil's getaway by firing at his motorcycle and sending him smashing into a parked car. Seizing the injured Emil, RoboCop pressed him for more information, but, injured and in shock, Emil could only groan in pain.[1]

Heading back to Metro West, RoboCop marched straight into the Detroit Police Department's record room, over the objections of Cecil, and used his built-in data spike to access the database, uploading his stored video of Emil and identifying his known accomplices. Recognizing Clarence from his dream as the man who fired the final, fatal shot, RoboCop examined Clarence's felony rap sheet and discovered he was a suspect in the murder of Officer Alex Murphy.[1]

RoboCop at Primrose Ln

Compelled to discover who he used to be, RoboCop traveled to his old family home at 548 Primrose Lane, finding it empty, up for sale, and partly vandalized. As he walked through the empty rooms, an automated salesman on an small monitor stipulated the perks and benefits of the house, and RoboCop's staccato visions and disjointed memories entirely took over his perceived reality. He saw Murphy's wife and son, and emotions coursed through him, but he was ultimately left with an empty, cold room in a vacant house. He turned to leave, confused and angry, pausing only to throw his metal fist through the screen with the automated salesman.[1]

First tracking down gang member Leon Nash to a nightclub, RoboCop found out from him that Clarence was doing business with rival drug lord, Sal, at a cocaine factory set up in an old supermarket. RoboCop demonstrated his highly advanced targeting system again by marking the positions of potential shooters, tracking them, and opening fire - with deadly accuracy, often without even having to physically look at the target.[1]

RoboCop facing Clarence

During the brutal shootout, Sal, Steve Minh, and all the factory workers were killed. Joe Cox was accidentally incapacitated after getting Steve's shotgun slammed in his face, and Clarence was left alone, trapped in an empty office as RoboCop closed in on him. He roughly pulled Boddicker to his feet, reading him his rights and throwing him about the factory until Clarence screamed he worked for Dick Jones, second-in-command of OCP. Still disinterested, RoboCop moved in and wrapped a powerful hand around Boddicker's neck and began throttling him. However, Clarence's last words ("You're a cop!!) triggered his third directive ("Uphold the law"), and thus the former Alex Murphy spared his killer.[1]

Later, he brought a handcuffed Clarence to Metro West and threw him to the cops therein, who were all crowded around Sgt. Warren Reed and threatening strike action because of the monumental amount of deaths and injuries the beat cops were suffering. As he turned to leave, he made it clear that Clarence was the one responsible for the murders of many on the force.[1]

After leaving the precinct, RoboCop made his way to Dick Jones' offices. However, on approaching the grand glass doors to Jones' office, the doors swung open and Jones casually greeted him. RoboCop, seemingly undaunted, charged Jones with "aiding and abetting". The still-cheerful Jones offered himself up for arrest. As RoboCop closed in, his firmware went into spasms, warning him that he had performed some hitherto unknown violation. Dick Jones gleefully revealed that he had a vital part in designing RoboCop's psychological profile, most importantly his fourth, previously classified directive which precluded him from arresting any senior member of OCP. Using every ounce of strength, RoboCop managed to draw his firearm, but could not bring it to bear.[1]

RoboCop eye

Whilst RoboCop was wrestling with his malfunctioning software, Dick Jones unveiled his own Security Concepts crime-fighting machine: an ED-209. As it approached the crippled RoboCop, Dick Jones gloated, "I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake!" ED-209 opened fire, throwing RoboCop through the heavy set of double doors in a shower of glass and splinters. As he pulled himself upright, ED-209 delivered an uppercut powerful enough to crack a small hole in RoboCop's visor and threw him across the office to land heavily on the marble floor.[1]

Before he could get to his feet, the droid was upon him. It raised its cannon, the muzzle hovering mere inches from RoboCop's face, and prepared to execute him, but RoboCop grabbed the droid's arm and deflected its aim, then directed the blazing cannon into the other arm, which exploded, stunning the machine and allowing RoboCop to escape to a staircase. ED-209, unequipped and too heavy to climb stairs, tumbled down to the next landing. Unable to get up, ED-209 was left squealing and thrashing wildly on the landing while RoboCop escaped.[1]

However, on staggering through the door to the parking garage, RoboCop was confronted by heavily armed SWAT team members and a large unit of armed officers, aiming lights and the muzzles of pistols, shotguns, submachine-guns and assault rifles at him. The SWAT team Lieutenant, Hedgecock, announced to the group that they were there to destroy RoboCop. Kaplan and a few other precinct cops protested, but their concerns fall upon deaf ears, and they walked off in disgust.[1]

Meanwhile, the others opened fire, crippling RoboCop's leg and chewing holes in his armor. The cyborg stumbled toward the multi-story parking lot's internal wall, throwing himself over, and rolling between and beneath the different levels and out of sight of the SWAT team, finding himself bathed in the lights of another police cruiser, driven by Lewis, who hurriedly helped him aboard before escaping the scene.[1]

RoboCop unmasked

Heavily damaged, RoboCop effected some repairs as he hid out at the steel mill while Lewis went off to the deserted police station and brought back some tools, supplies and his pistol. After sorting out the servos in his arm and leg, RoboCop removed his damaged helmet and sadly reminisced about the life he could not remember. His memories were broken and disjointed, but the emotions haunted him deeply. His targeting system was also damaged, but, with some help aiming from Lewis, he soon reset it to good order. Moments later, a black 6000 SUX and a beat up panel van cruise into the foundry, disgorging the remaining members of Boddicker's gang, all armed with heavy weapons. RoboCop reloaded his gun, told Lewis to get the car, and prepared for the final showdown.[1]

Moving out of sight of the gang, RoboCop managed to get above and behind them upon a catwalk. As the gang stalked further into the complex, jittery and on edge, he tossed a sheet of scrap metal across the roadway, where it clattered loudly to the floor. The gang turned in unison and opened fire, but realized they had not hit their intended target. RoboCop called out from behind them, and immediately fired a lethal three burst volley of fire at Joe. He then retreated before the others could aim any decent shots.[1]

Emil caught up to him first, aiming to run RoboCop down in the gang's van, but the cyborg sent him ducking for cover with another burst of fire and he lost control, driving his van through the shell of a vat marked "Toxic Waste." RoboCop half turned to observe the hapless Emil washed out of the walk-through van's rear doors, struggling in the chemical surf.[1]

RoboCop went after Leon, who nimbly skirted around the silos and machinery, squeezing off the occasional ineffective shot, but, as RoboCop moved through the site, he came upon Clarence in a shallow drainage canal by his upturned SUX, putting round after round from his gun into and around Lewis, who collapsed bonelessly into the waters. RoboCop managed to get close enough to distract him mere seconds before Clarence would have executed her, and feigned giving up, tossing his pistol into the water and surrendering. RoboCop stepped closer, pistol raised, as Clarence backed off, declaring that he wasn't planning to simply arrest Clarence again, who began pleading for his life. Suddenly, a sound made him look up, just in time to register a ton of girders, scrap and other assorted chunks of metal that piledrive him into the ground from a massive crane that Leon had been operating as Clarence was stalling him.[1]

RoboCop versus Clarence

Just as Clarence and Leon celebrated, Lewis managed to fire off a shot from Clarence's discarded assault cannon, which annihilated Leon and the control room, sending Clarence into a rage. He grabbed a length of scrap and splashed over to RoboCop, battering him mercilessly. RoboCop managed to deflect a few of the blows, but an upended plunging strike got through his parry, penetrated a fissure in his breastplate. RoboCop screamed in pain, and Clarence brought his face in close as he spat a final goodbye to the cyborg. RoboCop unsheathed his data spike and stabbed Clarence through the neck, opening a sufficiently lethal wound that killed Clarence in moments. Desperately, RoboCop called to Lewis, who was in bad shape. RoboCop reassured her not to worry, as OCP could put anything back together.[1]

RoboCop made his way to the OCP headquarters. As soon as he pulled up outside the building, an ED-209 clocked him and strode quickly over, citing a parking violation. RoboCop slung a Cobra assault cannon across the roof and fired it at the ED-209 twice, blowing the entire "head" from the legs of the machine, sending them staggering before collapsing in a twitching heap of scrap.[1]

He then reached the boardroom, bursting in just as Dick Jones was finishing an eloquent piece of wordplay. The executives inside were shocked, but the Old Man managed to stay calm, asking how they could help RoboCop, who answered him, accusing Dick Jones of murder. Jones tried to defend himself and the Old Man asked RoboCop what evidence he had of the allegations. RoboCop brandished his data spike - now tarnished with Clarence's dried blood - into the computer suite in the wall. On the TV monitor, Dick Jones's face appeared, saying twice, "I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake!" Jones, panicking, leaped into action, running for a pistol on display in the boardroom with which, once he was armed with it, he held the Old Man hostage. RoboCop drew his own weapon, but Dick wrapped an arm around the Old Man, jammed the gun into his head. Jones began shouting demands as RoboCop waited, weapon at the ready, unable to fire due to the continued effects of Directive 4.[1]

The Old Man hollered for Dick's attention and immediately terminated Dick's employment. RoboCop thanked him as Directive 4 instantly became nullified and opened fire on Jones, sending him staggering to the massive glass windows and sent Jones crashing through it to his death.[1]


RoboCop proudly embraces the identity of Murphy

Casually straightening his tie, the Old Man looked up. "Nice shooting, son," he asked RoboCop. "What's your name?" RoboCop turned to look at the Old Man, answering with a faint smile, "Murphy."[1]

The Nuke Cult[]

Over the next year, Old Detroit sank deeper into decay and chaos was on the rise. During this time, RoboCop, Lewis, and Reed were transferred to Metro North as a new drug began hitting the streets called "Nuke." A bizarre cult formed around the drug and its creator, a man called Cain.[2]

Many of the police went on strike once again, but RoboCop and Lewis remained on duty to fight against the resulting crime spree. Despite the criminals's attempt to destroy him, RoboCop responded to a gun store robbery, incapacitating those responsible, finding Nuke in one of their cars. He demanded the surviving robber tell him where Nuke was made, but only learned where he got it from.[2]

He made his way there, finding a manufacturing facility for the drug. RoboCop raided the facility and was joined by Lewis in the effort, but failed to arrest Cain or his immediate followers, Angie, Catzo, and the youth Hob, who he was physically unable to target due to his programming. He was shot by Hob in the head, mildly concussing him and triggering a memory of Murphy's son, Jimmy, playing catch with him. [2]

He then recovered, hearing a baby crying. He saw the baby being held hostage by one of Cain's henchmen, who threatened its mother as Lewis aimed her gun at the henchman. RoboCop ordered Lewis to stay put and used his plot trajectory to accurately shoot the assailant in the head, killing him. Lewis saved the baby from hitting the floor and handed it to its mother, who thanked them and fled the scene, as Lewis complimented RoboCop's marksmanship.[2]

RoboCop's memory trigger prompted him to stalk Murphy's widow and son as he recalled further memories. Murphy's widow took legal action, prompting RoboCop to be confronted by OCP lawyer Holzgang, who demanded he accept his identity as a machine and to deny his humanity. Reluctantly, RoboCop complied with their demands. After they left, Murphy's widow visited him and he told her he did not remember her and that her husband was dead.[2]

With Lewis, RoboCop later staked out Hob making the rounds, dealing Nuke at an arcade. Among the customers was Officer Duffy, who gave over police movements in exchange for money and Nuke. RoboCop and Lewis raided the arcade, though Hob managed to overpower Lewis and escape. RoboCop confronted Duffy and demanded to know the whereabouts of Cain, learning he was at an old sludge plant located on the banks of River Rouge.[2]

RoboCop dismemberd

Ignoring Sergeant Reed's warnings, RoboCop went to River Rouge alone. He sacrificed a police cruiser to trigger a trap set for him outside the facility and made his way in on foot. He confronted Cain, but was torn apart by his followers. His pieces were then dropped off on the sidewalk in front of his precinct.[2]

RoboCop was taken in for repairs, Lewis and his technicians arguing with Holzgang as to whether he was suffering or not. Despite protests from the police, Holzgang refuses to allow funding for RoboCop's repairs. His condition eventually became critical and Reed demanded he be repaired. However, Holzgang suggested that they could possibly just scrap him instead.[2]

Miranda to a corpse

RoboCop reads Miranda rights to a corpse

He was taken to Dr. Juliette Faxx for repair, but when she did so, she programmed him to deny his humanity and outfitted him with over three hundred new directives which took away his aggression, rendering him useless in his and Lewis's response to an armed robbery committed by a local little league team and their coach. Grabbing the coach, he read Miranda rights to the coach – who had been shot to death by Lewis – and lectured the children instead of giving them any sort of punishment, allowing them to get away in the process.[2] The store owner then berated RoboCop, who silenced him by grabbing his neck and bidding him have a good day.[3]

Lewis took him back to the precinct where he was examined by his technicians, who discovered what Faxx had done to him, though they were unable to undo it with the equipment they had. They suggested an electrical surge of several thousand volts could do it and hope his insulation protected his brain, but believed it would more likely kill him. Silently deciding to take that risk, RoboCop marched outside to the precinct's power supply, short-circuiting and shocking himself and thereby eliminating all his directives. Having successfully undone Faxx's tampering, he urged his fellow officers to end their strike, asking them rhetorically, "Are we cops?" He then led them in a raid on the sludge plant.[2]

As Cain tried to escape the assault, he drove a truck into RoboCop, who managed to latch onto it. Cain drove recklessly through the city, knocking RoboCop off the truck with a utility pole. Undeterred, RoboCop commandeered a nearby motorcycle and played a game of chicken with Cain. At the last second, RoboCop jumped through Cain's windshield and apprehended him.[2]

He later responded to a disturbance at River Rouge, finding that it had been attacked and that everyone inside was dead, except Hob, who died just after RoboCop discovered him. As RoboCop comforted him in his final moments, Hob told him that something "big," which he believed to be Cain, was responsible for the massacre.[2]

RoboCop attended the unveiling of Delta City and RoboCop 2, a cyborg that used the remains of Cain. The Nuke-addicted cyborg attempted to take a canister of the drug from the Old Man and upon spotting RoboCop, it activated its weaponry and opened fire on the crowd. The two cyborgs fought throughout the Civic Centrum and up to the roof. RoboCop pulled himself and Cain off the roof, plummeting through the ground into an underground facility, where the battle continued.[2]


After fending off Cain, RoboCop managed to go back into the Centrum and find the canister of Nuke that the Old Man had presented, while Cain wreaked havoc outside. Back outdoors, after Cain recovered from being run over by Lewis, RoboCop had Lewis throw the Nuke to Cain, distracting him as he consumed the drug. RoboCop then took the opportunity to jump onto Cain's back and extract his brain, promptly crushing it.[2]

Lewis complained about the Old Man not facing legal issues following the fiasco. RoboCop urged her to have patience, remarking, "We're only human."[2]

The "New Guy"[]

WARNING: This article/section contains spoilers from RoboCop: Rogue City. Continue reading at your own discretion.

RoboCop, Lewis, and Reed were eventually reassigned back to the Metro West precinct.[4]

Crime was on the upswing amid rumors of a rising crime boss known as the "New Guy in Town." Among the criminals involved in the uptick of crime were the Torch Heads, an Old Detroit gang with ties to the Nuke trade. When the Torch Heads took the Channel 9 studio hostage, RoboCop responded to the call. However, while attempting to rescue a hostage, RoboCop began to glitch and experience flashbacks, delaying the rescue until Lewis intervened.[4]

With footage of RoboCop's apparent hesitation making its way to the media, OCP Security Concepts employee Max Becker was sent to Metro West to oversee RoboCop alongside engineer Morgan and psychologist Olivia Blanche, with OCP installing a chip to aid in upgrades to his performance.[4]

RoboCop searched for a lead to the Torch Heads leader Soot, checking an arcade and rescuing the informant Pickles, who informed him of a gang gathering in a slaughterhouse. After apprehending Soot, Lewis was taken hostage by the "New Guy", and RoboCop brought Soot to him. The "New Guy", calling himself Wendell Antonowsky, the brother of Emil Antonowsky, killed Soot for bringing too much attention to him. Claiming that RoboCop's humanity was his weakness, he shot Lewis, leaving her hospitalized and in a coma.[4]

RoboCop found a lead toward Wendell's association with the Street Vultures biker gang, and he traveled into their territory near a quarry in search of both their leader, Spike, and Mike Briggs, an officer to later turned up dead; RoboCop also discovered dead bodies scavenged and preserved for unknown purposes. Rendezvousing with a police squad, RoboCop stormed the heart of their hideout with assistance from an ED-209 unit. However, the ED-209 malfunctioned and attacks the officers, allowing Spike to escape and forcing RoboCop to fight and destroy it.[4]

RoboCop visited Lewis in the hospital, and discovered that the morgue was robbed of corpses with intact brains, and was seemingly done with aid from Wendell. Later, RoboCop assisted the OCP SWAT teams in taking back the OCP Bank from the Vultures, who attempted to rob the bank after cutting ties with Wendell due to his refusal to compensate them.[4]

RoboCop met with the Old Man, who once resided in the ruins of Old Detroit, where he planned for Delta City to be built. Following a trail that led to Spike being tortured by Torch Heads hired by Wendell, the biker revealed that Wendell had his gang recover corpses to extract the brains. Tracking Wendell to an abandoned mall, a scuffle caused RoboCop's hallucinations to worsen exponentially, culminating in a vision of his former self. Despite his struggles, RoboCop caught up to Wendell and arrested him. Lewis awakened from her coma, while the Old Man had a heart attack that led to his own hospitalization. RoboCop met with him and the Old Man expressed his fear of OCP's fall to those like Becker.[4]

The police believing that Wendell was in league with someone from OCP, Becker was initially suspected and he tricked RoboCop into walking into a live-fire exercise of his Urban Enforcement Droids (UEDs), though RoboCop is victorious. This impressed Mayoral candidate John Mills, who witnessed the event. Becker announced that his UEDs were set to replace the police force.[4]

Heading to the city prison, RoboCop questioned Wendell, who revealed that his crimes were made in order to progress Project Afterlife. Wendell instigated a riot and RoboCop fought his way through; however, armed mercenaries arrived to break Wendell out. RoboCop returned to the hospital when the mercenaries invaded to kill Lewis, who narrowly survived the encounter.[4]

Doctor Blanche called RoboCop, suspecting that her work computer was hacked to get at RoboCop's psychological profile and her research. Meeting her at a hotel, RoboCop defended her from mercenaries sent to kill her. Following a signal planted in Blanche's work computer, RoboCop entered the sewers, where he learned that Wendell was hired by the Old Man.[4]

Arriving at OCP, RoboCop learned that the Old Man had died. With Becker acting as CEO, he fired the entire police force to replace them with his robots, and canceled the Old Man's Afterlife project, a project aimed at creating cyborg citizens to escape death. At the OCP Arms Expo, Wendell hijacked the UEDs with Becker's remote, sabotaging an EMP device that would have been used in a scam. RoboCop's glitches resulted in him being left incapacitated as Wendell stole the remaining robots and weapons to create chaos in Detroit, revealing that the chip put in RoboCop was a jammer connected to a trigger in Wendell's cigarette lighter that degraded RoboCop's mind and inhibited him from accosting Wendell. After removing the chip, RoboCop and his allies worked together to keep order in Detroit as gangs, robots, and mercenaries unleashed chaos. RoboCop aided in quelling the chaos by saving civilians from a fire caused by the Torch Heads, foiling a bridge-bombing scheme by the Vultures (putting an end to Spike), and engaging and destroying an ED-209 unit used by mercenaries to go on a rampage.[4]

Following a trail towards Old Detroit, RoboCop discovered a laboratory built by the Old Man and managed by Wendell that was the hub for Project Afterlife, with the stolen brains and research all contributing to it, facilitated by Wendell's criminal actions. Emerging into Delta City's under-construction district, RoboCop pursued Wendell, battling his mercenaries and UEDs. The mercenaries abandoned Wendell when they discovered Wendell was no longer funded due to Afterlife's dissolution, and RoboCop confronted Wendell, learning that his name was simply an alias given to him by OCP to emotionally manipulate RoboCop by evoking his past memories.[4]

RoboCop responded to a call on an attack on OCP, heading to the executive floor to find Becker attacked by RoboCop 2, in which the Old Man had implanted his brain in an effort to be like Murphy, but the newfound power caused him to become violent instead, killing Becker in revenge for undermining him. RoboCop battled the CEO in a grueling fight, destroying and collapsing the OCP building during the battle, ultimately culminating in the Old Man's certain death.[4]

Fighting the Rehabs[]

Eventually, OCP was bought out by the Japanese Kanemitsu Corporation and organized a police force called the Rehabs who were deployed to evict citizens from Cadillac Heights in order to speed up the process of building Delta City. This was all done under the guise of simply trying to reduce crime in Old Detroit.[5]

After Lewis's and two other officers' failed pursuit of a group suspected of breaking into a police armory, RoboCop took over the chase. However, he dropped out when he received a transmission from Lewis, requesting backup, ignoring orders from Reed to continue pursuit. Driving off the top of a parking garage to reach them, he arrived to Lewis and the other two officers, who were in Splatterpunks territory. He fended off the gang with his new gunarm. He tracked the two remaining Splatterpunks, who set him on fire before he managed to apprehend them. Anne drove him back to the precinct, witnessing the Rehabs in action along the way and nearly hitting a young girl, who RoboCop watched as she made her way into a church.[5]

He was examined by his technician, Dr. Marie Lazarus. OCP executive Jeff Fleck came and questioned why RoboCop had violated his orders to continue the pursuit. Lazarus argued that the reason was obviously the fact that RoboCop still had humanity. Fleck commanded her to eradicate RoboCop's emotions to make him fit for the Rehab team. He then began having flashbacks again to Murphy's life and his recording of the little girl.[5]

He entered a police briefing, noting the church to be a place of interest, prompting him to search the police database before leaving with Lewis, asking her if she had a family and urging her to call him Murphy. They arrived at the church, finding a group of refugees from Cadillac Heights. However, the Rehabs arrived just after them, led by Paul McDaggett. RoboCop struggled between serving the public trust and upholding the law. Unable to oppose McDaggett physically, he shot around McDaggett's feet and warned McDaggett that he was making a mistake. Lewis told the Rehabs that they would have to shoot through her and RoboCop. This prompted McDaggett and the Rehabs to open fire, mortally wounding Lewis and damaging RoboCop with a grenade launcher. The refugees then came to his aid as he took Lewis into the church. He laid her down at the altar, where she died, making Murphy promise to avenge her.[5]

He joined the refugee resistance fighters, learning the girl's name to be Nikko Halloran. They managed to escape from the Rehabs by going to a hideout in the sewers. He collapsed due to the damage he sustained and was carried into the hideout. There, his tracking device was removed.[5]

Robo was taken to the group's main hideout, where they unsuccessfully attempted to repair him. He urged them to find Dr. Lazarus and thank her for not taking his memories away. Nikko soon returned with Lazarus and the appropriate equipment to repair RoboCop. Lazarus and the resistance group successfully repaired him, also deleting his Directive 4, now declassified and stated as, "Never oppose an OCP officer."[5]

Nikko spoke to Murphy, asking if he would stay and help them. She also mentioned looking forward to reuniting with her parents, prompting RoboCop to recall his search through the police database, recalling that her parents were listed as deceased. Murphy then told her if she could remember her parents, then they were never really gone. Nikko then fell asleep on RoboCop's leg and Lazarus came to check on them.[5]

RoboCop was then outfitted with a flightpack designed by Lazarus and had a flashback to Lewis' death. However, he threw off the flightpack and took his gunarm to deal with "unfinished business." He went to Metro West, where Reed directed him to the Rehab Staging Area. There, he fought against the Rehabs and demanded the whereabouts of McDaggett.[5]

He arrived at the Mitchell St. Hotel, finding several Rehabs before reaching McDaggett's room, where he also discovered resistance member Coontz meeting with the Rehab leader. However, McDaggett managed to escape. RoboCop commandeered a pimp's car to pursue McDaggett, who managed to slip away again by throwing money into the street to be collected by a group of children, RoboCop refusing to drive through them.[5]

RoboCop returned to the hideout, abandoned by the rebels after an assault by the Rehabs. He was ambushed by an Otomo, a model of ninja android manufactured by the Kanemitsu Corporation. Otomo easily outmaneuvers RoboCop, knocking him down several times. Outclassed by the agile android, RoboCop drew his Auto-9 but before he could bring it to bear, Otomo swiftly disarmed him and cut off the fingers of his left hand, followed by the whole thing at the forearm. RoboCop arises again, but begins to lose power quickly from the injury to his left arm. He whirls around, but Otoma had once again vanished into the shadows. After receiving a blow from Otomo's hilt, RoboCop is yet again knocked down. Seeing that it's prey was weak, the Otomo flourishes its katana as it approaches the prone cyborg. Luckily, RoboCop's gunarm was lying nearby and he quickly equipped it and blew Otomo's head off before it could strike. Though victorious, RoboCop collapses due to the power drain. After hearing a broadcast from Lazarus, urging the people of Detroit to oppose OCP, he crawled to the flightpack, using it to recharge himself.[5]

Using the flightpack and his gunarm, RoboCop came to the aid of the Detroit Police Department in their firefight against the Rehabs, who had also employed the Splatterpunks. He then infiltrated OCP headquarters and charged McDaggett with Lewis's murder. He was faced with two more Otomo as a grinning McDaggett watched. They knocked him to the floor as Nikko and Lazarus arrived. McDaggett threatened to kill them just as Nikko hacked the Otomo, causing each of them to destroy the other. McDaggett then revealed the Otomo would self-destruct, prompting RoboCop to re-requip his flightpack and escape with Nikko and Lazarus as the Otomo exploded, killing McDaggett.[5]

Lazarus's transmission had a shattering effect on Omni Consumer Products; it caused a massive sell-off by investors and the value of its stock plunged to total worthlessness, financially ruining the company. Kanemitsu later approached RoboCop and bowed to him. The just-fired CEO of OCP approached him, asking, "What do they call you, Murphy?" However, RoboCop responded, "My friends call me Murphy. You call me RoboCop."[5]

Metro South[]

RoboCop was later transferred to Metro South, where he was partnered with Lisa Madigan, who managed to figure out his identity. There, he was serviced by Charlie Lippencott. At some point, RoboCop arrested William Ray Morgan. During the arrest, Morgan was scarred by his own toxins, causing him to seek revenge on RoboCop.[6]

Five years after this arrest, Morgan was back on the streets and took hostages at Convalescence Services, demanding the police to send in RoboCop or else he kill his prisoners. Upon his arrival, Morgan destroyed RoboCop's cruiser with a rocket and he emerged uninjured. Drawing his pistol, he entered the building and pacified Morgan's accomplices before confronting their leader. As Morgan stated his intent for revenge, RoboCop destroyed the detonator to Morgan's explosives and arrested him, sending him flying out of the building in a wheelchair into the hands of Murphy's fellow authorities.[6]

After this arrest, Madigan informed him that she had earlier taken the exam for the rank of detective, to which RoboCop voiced his approval. After arriving at the station, Madigan learned that she was in the upper ten percent of those who tested.[6]

Reporting to Lippencott no damage aside from his cruiser, RoboCop was presented the TurboCruiser, which Lippencott designed and asked that it not suffer the same fate as Murphy's previous vehicle. Just then, a girl called Gadget ran into the room and called RoboCop her hero, prompting a memory of Murphy's son Jimmy saying the same thing. After Gadget was removed from the room by Parks, Madigan noticed that RoboCop had recalled a memory and urged him to tell his wife and son his identity. However, Murphy refused, believing it would be better if they continued to think he was dead.[6]

Later, Gadget returned to the station and Parks assigned RoboCop to return her to Family Services. En route, RoboCop determined that she was most likely telling the truth that she had witnessed the Dogtown Ripper and the Dogtown Boys abduct Henry Aaron Winkler.He asked her to elaborate, learning that the Ripper was a man in a suit and needed Winkler's brain for OCP.[6]

Gadget took Murphy inside, showing him that Fanny LaMour, who ran Family Services, did not truly care for children. Just then Murphy saw his wife go to LaMour, searching for Jimmy, who had run away after getting in trouble because of his grades. She showed LaMour a video she had made of him the previous Christmas. This prompted RoboCop to recall several memories. He excused himself, saying that somewhere, a crime was happening. As he drove away, he recalled further memories of his family and of his death at the hands of Clarence Boddicker and his gang.[6]

Murphy went to the morgue with Madigan to view the remains of Winkler, whose brain had been removed. The coroner insisted that the killing was most likely performed by a doctor. Recalling Gadget saying that Winkler's eyes "were still alive," RoboCop examined his retinas, as they held the last image Winkler saw. However, he could not immediately extract a clear image and resorted to enhancing it with the police database. With this, he determined Dr. Cray Z. Mallardo to be the last person he victim saw.[6]

RoboCop informed Madigan as he arrived at Mallardo's lab. As he went to arrest Mallardo, the scientist feigned police brutality at the hands of Murphy. As he put Mallardo into the TurboCruiser, Chip Chayken pulled up in a white limousine and grabbed his attention. Morgan appeared from the limousine's sunroof wielding a Cobra Assault cannon, catching the cyborg off-guard. His shot exploded and pierced RoboCop through the chest, leaving a large trough and trough hole on his left side. They laugh triumphantly as RoboCop collapsed from his injury, shutting down even before he hit the ground.[6]

RoboCop's body was recovered and placed in a freezer to preserve his organics. as repairs were too costly. The following day, once Mallardo had control of OCP, the Chairman ordered for RoboCop's reactivation. However, at night, Chip Chayken broke into RoboCop's chambers and sabotaged Murphy's memory banks, causing him to suffer from amnesia. Eventually, a holographic Diana Powers came to him and repaired his memory, requesting that he come save her from Mallardo and Chayken at Public Works.[6]

Upon arrival, RoboCop confronted the Dogtown Boys, who stood guard outside. He easily managed to subdue them and was confronted by Morgan. Although being hit by him once, RoboCop deployed an explosive to the balcony, sending Morgan again into the arms of the police. Murphy then made his way inside and uploaded an anti-virus program to save Powers. Mallardo emerged with a high-voltage cable to try to stop RoboCop, instead shutting down the building's power, which quickly rebooted with Powers intact. Mallardo ran for an elevator and Powers trapped him inside so RoboCop could arrested him.[6]

After emerging from the building, he confronted Chayken, who held a syringe to Madigan's neck. Distracted by Murphy, Chayken was then overpowered by Madigan. Seeing his wife come from the crowd to reunited with Murphy's son, Madigan asked him if the time was right to reveal his identity to them, but he declined, saying they needed a husband and father, which he could not provide to them.[6]

RoboCop soon led a corruption investigation into Mayor Fred Friendly and captured footage of him accepting money from Vladimir Molotov. The mayor offered no comment. Moments later, with RoboCop the subject of ongoing protests led by Reverend Robert Taker, he confronted the mob once they stormed the precinct, ordering the unlawful assembly to disperse. Decrying RoboCop's existence as Satanic, Taker confronted the cyborg, but had little effect on Murphy, who again asked the group to disperse. Parks advised that RoboCop leave, his presence only making the protest worse.[7]

Murphy soon pulled over a man for speeding. Faced with resistance from the man, RoboCop tore off his door and the man finally complied. The man then sued the police for $300 million and appeared on Taker's television program with his neck in a brace and his arm in a sling, accusing RoboCop of brutality. Mayor Friendly promised a full investigation into the incident.[7]

Haunted by Taker's claim that he was an abomination, RoboCop went to the church the Murphys had attended, recalling memories of their wedding and the christening of their son. Powers appeared to him, asking him what was wrong. Upon expressing his troubles, Powers assured him that Taker was actually corrupt, despite his wholesome public persona. In regards to Taker's corruption, RoboCop remarked that sometimes the law was not enough.[7]

That night, Taker was murdered and the suspect used an Auto 9 paired with thermographic targeting. This evidence convinced OCP that RoboCop was responsible and they sent Fraker to Metro South to order his shutdown. RoboCop's programming prohibited him from telling Fraker of his activities between midnight and 2:00 AM, a restriction that blocked evidence of his innocence. As Lippencott showed Fraker Murphy's recordings, Madigan arrived, advocating on RoboCop's behalf, insisting that he be left online in order to defend himself in an internal investigation. This position was backed by both Lippencott and Dr. Roger Yung, prompting Fraker to leave, ordering a hearing the following morning.[7]

At his hearing, Fraker examined RoboCop's gun, displaying that it could only be fired by RoboCop. When Friendly ordered a full internal affairs investigation and RoboCop's shutdown pending the results, Murphy feigned taking Madigan hostage so that they could escape in order to continue fighting together for his innocence. However, they were soon cornered at a pier by internal affairs personnel and Murphy asked Madigan to go to them, as they still believed her to be a hostage. With Madigan clear, Murphy continued to not comply with the authorities, instead backing the cruiser into a body of water and escaping into the sewers.[7]

RoboCop Sewers

Traversing underground, Murphy found his way to the church, where Madigan soon found him and informed him that Mayor Friendly had been eliminated as a suspect in Taker's murder. Internal affairs agent Smith arrived and pursued Murphy into the tunnels, but after an officer misfired his weapon and caused a small cave-in, RoboCop was block off from his pursuers. Though momentarily safe, RoboCop had taken a direct blow and was suffering a circuitry malfunction. He tried to bend some nearly metal bars to escape, but he quickly lost power and collapsed.[7]

He requested help from Diana Powers, who came to his aid in contacting Lippencott's lab. He gained assistance from Gadget, who showed him Lippencott's circuitry prototype, which allowed Murphy to make temporary repairs. Powers asked him why he did not present her as his alibi and he explained that people would not understand what she was. As there was a prototype for his circuitry, Murphy reasoned that one must exist for his gun as well, so Powers located it in the possession of Dr. Yung.[7]

After leaving the tunnels, he made a video call to Gadget, learning from her that Lippencott had gone to Dr. Yung's lab. Murphy asked her to contact dispatch, as Lippencott was potentially in danger. As Yung – revealed as the true killer – opened fire on Smith, Madigan, and Lippencott, Murphy arrived, managing to shoot the prototype Auto 9 from Yung's hand and placed him under arrest.[7]

As violent crime rates – aside from murder – rose in Delta City, RoboCop pursued a speeding vehicle. After the pursuit ended, he approached the car, finding a sobbing and apologetic Madigan behind the wheel. He placed her under arrest for speeding, reckless driving, evading arrest, endangering the public, and possession of an impound vehicle.[8]

Shortly after Madigan was placed on suspension, Murphy checked on her in Parks' office, observing her taking a No Gain pill. Nancy Murphy arrived shortly thereafter, prompting RoboCop to recall memories and excuse himself. When Madigan and Nancy got into the latter's car, RoboCop listened in on their conversation, learning that Nancy was beginning to allow herself a social life for the first time since Murphy's death. His eavesdropping was soon interrupted by Diana Powers.[8]

RoboCop later broke up a fight at a drug store and discovered that the scuffle was over a pack of No Gain. He confiscated it as evidence and impounded a crashed No Gain distribution truck as a mob prepared to loot it. Soon, Parks made his way to the vehicle and asked RoboCop to accompany him to a No Gain distribution facility.[8]

Learning that Madigan was being held hostage in the facility, Murphy made his way inside, walking into a trap set by the escaped Pudface Morgan, who was armed with a grenade launcher. Murphy used a can of ISO Flow – a crowd control substance that made surfaces slippery – to cause an explosion at the grenade launcher, knocking Morgan to his feet. Murphy struggled to move across the pool of ISO Flow, allowing Morgan enough time to get back onto the launcher. However, Madigan managed to break free from her restraints and remove a wedge from behind the grenade launcher, causing Morgan to be sent across the room and miss a shot fired at RoboCop. Murphy approached Morgan and knocked him out, asking Madigan to place him under arrest.[8]

Diana Powers arranged with RoboCop a ride-along for him to take the OCP Chairman to Old Detroit, as a result of his indifference toward its citizens. Early in the ride, the Chairman remarked that the insurance companies must have been exploiting it, to which RoboCop pointed out that such companies were owned by OCP. Murphy responded to an alert concerning an ATM, the Chairman becoming dismayed upon learning that the destroyed ATM belonged to OCP.[9]

Hearing a gunshot, RoboCop took the Chairman returned to the TurboCruiser and the Chairman wondered if other policemen would trade places with Murphy if they knew his struggles, to which he said that duty and memories helped him endure. Following the sound of the gunshot, they found the Stompers gang intimidating a car containing Joe and Ami Avery with their ailing son Josh. The gang merely laughed at RoboCop and drove a plow truck into the TurboCruiser – destroying it – then into RoboCop, sending him flying backwards. They then ruthlessly follow up by running over the prone cyborg's right arm, causing him severe damage.[9]

Once the gang left, Joe and the Chairman came to his aid and took him to a hideout for repair. There, he befriended Josh, who showed him a clown doll that his father repaired, hoping he would be able to do the same for Murphy. Recognizing the close bond between Josh and Joe, Murphy was reminded of his own son, saying such to Josh, albeit referring to Jimmy as a friend.[9]

Joe repaired RoboCop to a certain degree, becoming doubtful when further repairs involved Murphy's brain. With the encouragement of the Chairman and Ami, Joe continued to work, as RoboCop talked him through it. This reached a point where a shutdown of RoboCop was required. Concerned that RoboCop would lose Murphy's identity, he voiced such to RoboCop, who answered, "To be human is to risk."[9]

Joe finished the repairs the following morning, prompting RoboCop to fight off the Stompers as they descended upon the hideout. Backed by the Chairman and Joe, he fought his way to the leader Captain Ethan, who attempted to run down RoboCop with a tow truck. However, the cyborg managed to hang onto the tow truck and hold the tow cable, causing the truck to suddenly stop, throwing Captain Ethan through the windshield and into the arms of the law. As the police arrested the remaining gang members and Josh was loaded into an ambulance, the Chairman went to RoboCop, who confirmed that he was still Murphy.[9]

As Josh awaited a transplant at the Omni Mediplex, black market organ dealers Dave and Louise infiltrated the hospital and took the set of lungs intended for Josh. RoboCop pursued them in his TurboCruiser until Louise managed to shoot out a tire. He later utilized a tracker left on the lung's case, leading him to the car, where a transient slept inside with the case. Murphy quickly determined that the lungs had been replaced with a job and threw the case to allow the bomb to harmlessly detonate. The transient informed RoboCop that he had seen Dave and Louise escape in a van. RoboCop surmised to Madigan that the black market dealers had inside help from someone at the hospital, a conclusion she agreed with.[10]

RoboCop and Madigan investigated the scene of Dr. Otto Gilbert's murder, believing that it was related to Josh Avery. Murphy examined a stack of damaged computer discs, grabbing one as he determined that it could still provide useful data. He took it back to the precinct and discovered the name Ardo Detriti, a name which also appeared on a list of people who owned the model of van the transient saw. Once Madigan left, Murphy asked Diana to conduct research on Detriti in restricted databases.[10]

Diana tracked down Detriti – leader of the black market organ dealers – to a hideout, prompting Murphy and Madigan to make their way there. While Madigan waited outside, Murphy entered the facility and confronted Tom and Jerry, who carried an organ container. The pair surrendered the case and made it out of the building, but were quickly arrested by Madigan. RoboCop found that the container was empty and he and Madigan took Tom and Jerry to the precinct. Learning that Josh's condition was worsening, RoboCop angrily grabbed the criminals and quickly learned that they were working for Vince, who planned to buy the lungs for himself.[10]

Diana showed to RoboCop a call between Detriti and Vince, learning that Detriti and Louise were awaited by a boat to Hawaii. Murphy made his way to a dock where he found the boat as it started to leave. He attached a rope to it and began pulling it back until Detriti threatened to destroy the lungs. Murphy released the boat, but then fired an airbag into the boat, trapping the criminals inside. After Detriti and Louise were captured and Josh's transplant was a success, Diana encouraged Murphy to take a break. However, he declined, knowing that somewhere, a crime was happening.[10]

RoboCop responded to a call at an Omni Militech warehouse, where a group was stealing several weapons. One of these was a plasma cannon which one of the men – who RoboCop recognized as Murphy's childhood friend Frank Uno – used to disable Murphy, causing some damage to his memory.[11]

As Gadget and Charlie performed repairs on RoboCop, Madigan came to him with dogtags she found at the scene, which she found to belong to someone from Hard Company, an elite group of soldiers who had died nine years prior during the ongoing Amazon War. After Madigan left, Charlie installed on RoboCop an electrostatic dampening field to prevent being disabled by the plasma cannon again. As Charlie performed this installation, RoboCop confirmed that the man who shot him was indeed Frank Uno.[11]

After putting himself back online, Murphy found Madigan, who researched a file on Hard Company, who were all listed as having been killed in action and having no next of kin. When Diana appeared to him, RoboCop asked her to search classified files for details on Hard Company. As he watched Frank's foster parents' home, Diana reported back, revealing that just before their deaths, Hard Company had been assigned to a top secret biochemical project called Big Sword and that they were led by General Eugene Omar, the Vice President of Omni Militech.[11]

He summoned Omar to the precinct, he and Madigan presenting evidence that the members of Hard Company were still alive. Omar unsuccessfully lied about having knowledge of this and soon divulged that Hard Company was actually a cover for the Ghost Squad, a volunteer group of soldiers tasked with carrying out top secret missions.[11]

Hard Company soon took over OCP Public Works and their leader, Colonel Albert Brox, demanded that the details of Big Sword or else they destroy MetroNet. Omar and the OCP Chairman refused to give in to the demands, so RoboCop offered to apprehend them alone. On the way there, Diana told Murphy that she was powerless against Hard Company and would die if they destroyed MetroNet.[11]

Upon arrival, he managed to incapacitate Gloria Chung before finding the rest of the group, who attempted to disable RoboCop again with the plasma cannon and to freeze him, but neither were successful. When Frank Uno misfired a weapon, a gaping hole was formed in the floor, sending him and RoboCop to a lower floor. Murphy then learned from Frank that Big Sword was focused around the development of a chemical that would kill people and not plants, and that Hard Company was institutionalized and drugged to keep them from revealing secrets to the public. That was, until they were freed by Colonel Brox and Dr. Rimmer, who planned the crimes committed by the group. When the supposed leaders killed Adam Rakshi and dumped his body near Murphy and Frank, RoboCop asked if Frank still trusted their intentions. RoboCop and Frank then made their way back to Rimmer and Brox, Frank learning that RoboCop was his childhood friend, Alex Murphy.[11]

RoboCop confronted the men, who had extracted Omnium, an element developed by OCP to power MetroNet. After Brox accidentally shot Rimmer with the plasma cannon, RoboCop shot the cannon and caused it to overload, stunning Brox. He then returned Omnium to the core, saving Diana and Delta City. The injured Frank collapsed and began to ask Murphy to deliver a message to his family, but died before he could provide his friend with what to say. RoboCop decided to tell them that Frank died for his country. Back at the precinct, RoboCop hoped that one day, humanity would outgrow war.[11]

While patrolling Zone Five, RoboCop confronted the Community Action Patrol (CAP Crew) as they attacked two men in front of Jimmy Murphy outside of Ed's Water Store. Once he threatened to arrest them, the owner Ed Mallory clarified that they had been saved from the men by the CAP Crew. The CAP Crew leader Albert Delorio introduced himself to RoboCop and told him that the CAP Crew would soon become Zone Five's law enforcement personnel.[12]

Murphy later returned to Ed's Water Store to search for Jimmy, Ed telling him that he would be working later on. He also disclosed to RoboCop that when he left earlier, the CAP Crew forced him to pay protection money. RoboCop assured that a police report would be made for the incident and left.[12]

He responded once more to Ed's Water Store as CAP Crew personnel attacked Ed and destroyed his property. RoboCop intervened, assuring Danny Boy that next time the CAP Crew fails to uphold the law, the consequences would be worse.[12]

Murphy later came to Madigan's aid as she met a pair of Fun dealers. He pursued one of them, Freddy, into Zone Five. Soon after entering the area, Freddy threw a grenade at RoboCop. After catching it, Murphy determined that there was no safe place to throw it, as there were homeless people nearby, so he let it detonate in his hand, blowing off his arm.[12]

As Lippencott performed repairs on RoboCop, the new Security Concepts Vice President Foster commanded Lippencott to install a chip into RoboCop that would prohibit him from entering Zone Five.[12]

Nancy entered the precinct shortly after, looking for Madigan, who had just left. She voiced her concerns to RoboCop about Jimmy becoming involved with the CAP Crew and left. This prompted RoboCop to go to Zone Five and see Jimmy inside wearing a uniform. Unable to enter, Murphy was forced to stand outside its boundaries as the CAP Crew taunted him and threw objects at him.[12]

RoboCop later watched What's on Your Mind? with Lippencott. On the episode, Jimmy had joined Delorio and another CAP Crew member. Much to Murphy's concern, Jimmy expressed his thoughts that the police had become obsolete with the introduction of the CAP Crew.[12]

Later, Nancy entered the precinct once more, having learned from Jimmy that the CAP Crew was in charge of Fun production and distribution. RoboCop asked Parks and Madigan to convince the OCP Chairman to alter his programming to allow him into Zone Five. He made his way to the zone stood at the border and struggled to enter until the change took effect. He then marched into the CAP Crew headquarters, making his way to Delorio, who held Jimmy hostage. After Jimmy managed to free himself, RoboCop shot a suspension for the catwalk they stood on, sending Delorio into a vat of Fun below. As Jimmy began to fall, he quickly made his way over to catch him. After thanking him for the rescue, Jimmy asked RoboCop if he had a real name he could call him. Hesitantly, Murphy told Jimmy to call him RoboCop.[12]

RoboCop responded to a protest against Web Care led by Nancy Murphy and Father Gregory Marks after a bomb was detonated in the vicinity. Seeing the Web Care Mod Squad subduing protestors, he accused them of using deadly force. As the Web Care personnel dragged away Nancy, Murphy was dismayed to hear her say she and Jimmy were on welfare and became determined to figure out why.[13]

As Nancy was arrested for illegally working (in violation of Provision 22), Jimmy had Gadget summon RoboCop to the scene. However, he was powerless to stop the arrest, upsetting Jimmy. Murphy later sat in his cruiser until Diana appeared, telling him of the inhumanity of Provision 22. Because Murphy was unable to violate the law, Diana offered to help him find out about the "rehabilitation" program for violators of Provision 22. RoboCop soon learned that Web Care needed an Intent to Arrest form to legally perform an arrest. He called Parks, who found that no such file existed pertaining to Nancy Murphy. With this information, RoboCop went into the Web Care headquarters, subduing two guards by reversing their stun batons and shooting the rehabilitation machine before it could be used on Nancy and Jimmy.[13]

Murphy took his wife and son to Father Marks' mission for a press conference about Web Care. He then left, despite Madigan trying to convince him to stay for the conference. He later returned to the scene, encountering the OCP Chairman, who said he would be shutting down Web Care. As the Chairman joined the press conference, Parks called RoboCop, telling him that he had lost contact with Madigan in the area. After a brief search, he finds Madigan tied up in the back of a van with a bomb and a magnetic resonance projector. After freeing Madigan, he pushed the van into an abandoned building and adjusted the projector to a safe frequency. The bomb then destroyed the building, but RoboCop emerged unscathed. Nancy approached him, thanking him for always being there when she or Jimmy needed him.[13]

RoboCop was assigned to serve as security for Judge Clarence Hall during the dedication of a new courthouse. As he scanned the crowd, he spotted Jimmy, then a suspicious man with a stroller. He approached, throwing the stroller in the air, where it exploded. He pursued the man but lost him, finding only a pile of his clothes.[14]

After Jimmy was publicly named a witness to the crime, RoboCop went to the Murphy home, finding it empty. He examined a photo of himself, Nancy, and Jimmy while outside, his family pulled up, only for Jimmy to be snatched by Shorty and Leo, who were working for Pudface Morgan. Murphy was able to shoot a tracker onto the van the kidnappers drove and promised Nancy he would find Jimmy.[14]

RoboCop tracked the van to a warehouse and saw Jimmy in a window, pleading for his help. He went inside to find that there were two Jimmys, one of which drew a gun on him, as he was actually Shorty disguised as Jimmy through use of an Eve module. From outside, Morgan hurled a wrecking ball into the building. RoboCop grabbed on, but after being crashed through the walls twice, he was dropped to the ground, and suffered internal damage to his circuitry. Pudface came over to him, revealing that he had gained instructions from Mallardo on how to activate RoboCop's termination command sequence. Jimmy came over to RoboCop to help make repairs. As Morgan had stolen the TurboCruiser, Jimmy hotwired a nearby pickup truck, though RoboCop disapproved of the fact that Jimmy knew how to hotwire.[14]

Intending to arrest Morgan, RoboCop reached the Chairman's office, but fell over as Pudface initiated the termination sequence. After Morgan left the room to attend a meeting as the Chairman, RoboCop crawled to a data port and inserted his spike, summoning Diana, who contacted Charlie. Charlie managed to gain access to the termination command sequence and reversed it just in time for Murphy to apprehend Morgan. He punched the criminal, sending him crashing into an Eve display.[14]

At a ceremony to honor Jimmy for his bravery, Nancy told RoboCop she believed Jimmy's father would be proud, to which Murphy replied, "I'm sure of it."[14]

RoboCop was called as backup to a protest outside of a courthouse after Tori Tolan successfully took over Cryonautics Laboratories. Amid the crowd, he saw a woman brandish a gun and shielded Tolan from a bullet before other officers apprehended her.[15]

Eric Marley summoned RoboCop to a Cryonautics lab as he was being attacked. The masked perpetrator broke off one end of a pipe and aimed it at RoboCop's leg, freezing it. Unable to draw his Auto-9 and immobilized the assailant escaped through a backdoor. RoboCop attempts to break free, but his frozen leg shatters at the thigh and completely disables him. After Charlie installed a new leg, Murphy reported to Tolan's office, where she had requested his services as a bodyguard.[15]

Shortly after his arrival, a bomb was detonated near him and Tolan. Tolan's business partner J. J. Biddle blamed it on the nearby Jack Dixon, prompting RoboCop to shoot out his tires. Biddle shot Dixon dead, supposedly finding a detonator on him. RoboCop could not conclusively tell whether Biddle was telling the truth.[15]

Later, RoboCop overheard Tolan suggesting to a friend that she buy stock in Cryonautics, as it would go up soon. He pointed out the illegality of this, saying that he would report it. Tolan told him it was just business and he did not understand life because of his programming.[15]

As she grew more nervous, Tolan kept RoboCop as a bodyguard until learning of the death of Marley and taking him to the precinct. RoboCop checked on Madigan, whose gun was used to murder Marley after she was knocked out. She was certain that Cryonautics founder Owen Merritt was innocent in the crime. The pair watched as Biddle ushered Tolan out of the precinct and planned to follow, but Madigan was forced to stay behind to be examined by a doctor.[15]

Alone, RoboCop followed Biddle and Tolan to the Cryonautics lab and tried to arrest Biddle. However, he was again frozen, this time his entire body. RoboCop watched as Tolan attacked Biddle, buying him some time to unfreeze himself. After trying to subdue Biddle, the man nearly got away, but slipped in the freezing material and became frozen solid. His body soon fell over, shattering into many pieces. RoboCop made an emergency call to the Chairman so Tolan could make him stop the launch of Space-Tram, which was about to use untested Cryo-Fuel.[15]

After escaped bomber Felix Webber called in one of his own bombs at the OCP headquarters, RoboCop responded to the call alongside other police officers. They evacuated the building and RoboCop successfully defused the bomb. Webber planted another bomb in Russell and Dorothy Murphy's car, Alex's parents. They safely got away from the blast and RoboCop arrived to the scene, experiencing childhood memories once he saw them. He described to his father – the police captain who put Webber away twelve years prior – the bomb he defused. Russell dismissed the bomb as a joke and figured Webber was planning more.[16]

RoboCop and Madigan went to the Murphy home, where he looked at family photos and offered his condolence for their loss, his parents being unaware that he was Alex. He took over a game of chess from Madigan, though Russell doubted he had the human factor that his son had. To his disbelief, Russell was impressed by RoboCop's skill, which had been taught to him during Alex's childhood.[16]

RoboCop, Madigan, and Russell examined a map of locations Webber had targeted, but Russell felt his next target would not match the type of spiderweb he based his previous pattern on. They researched different types of spiderwebs, settling upon a sheet web pattern, determining the OCP Refinery to be the next target. They made their way there, father and son working together to defuse the bomb.[16]

RC rappel gun

Webber gained access to the OCP headquarters with a nuclear bomb. RoboCop asked for a helicopter and asked his father to call Webber and convince him to get away from the window by using the Velikovsky gambit. This was successful, allowing RoboCop to rappel into the room, knock out Webber, and disarm the bomb just in time with Russell's guidance. Outside, Russell praised RoboCop as a "damn good cop" and the two shook hands as RoboCop returned the compliment. He then excused himself, as somewhere, there was a crime happening.[16]

With Pudface on the loose again, RoboCop responded to a robbery-in-progress led by him. This particular crime was being recorded for the television program Inside Crime. As Pudface got away with his goons, RoboCop saved Inside Crime cameraman Marty Flan from falling to his death. The director Mack McAdam had an angry outburst toward RoboCop, commanding Madigan to place him under arrest. After the incident, RoboCop made an appearance on What's on Your Mind?, where Parks and Madigan argued with McAdam and Flan about Inside Crime.[17]

RoboCop and Parks presented a highly advanced armored vehicle to Delta City Bank worker Brendan Forbes, to be used to transport the largest transfer of gold bullion ever. RoboCop assured that it was even resistant against Carbon-16, a synthetic diamond that was the hardest substance in the world. Certain that Pudface would attempt to rob it, RoboCop and Parks agreed to "let him try."[17]

RoboCop responded to another robbery led by Pudface, who brandished a flamethrower, setting RoboCop and the building on fire. This forced him to rescue the hostages rather than pursue Pudface.[17]

On his way to the Delta City Bank, RoboCop encountered two boys playing with toys that made their voices sound like himself and Pudface. He asked the boy playing Pudface why anyone would want to be the criminal, and the boy responded, saying Pudface was "so cool." Once he reached the bank, he accompanied Parks and Forbes to the vault. Suspecting that Pudface might not target the vehicle, he attempted to test the vault's structural integrity.[17]

RoboCop led the convoy escorting the gold to the bank and expressed his fear to Diana that something was wrong. He soon was seemingly contacted by Pudface, who held Madigan, the Chairman, Aubrey Fox, and Rochelle Carney hostage. He demanded the gold in exchange for the hostages. The convoy halted and outside, Murphy encountered the same boy playing as Pudface and he determined the boy saying "tin man" sounded exactly the same as Pudface said in his message. He asked Diana to go to media central, where she delayed the Inside Crime broadcast being made directly from the hostage situation.[17]

RoboCop led a group of police into the board room. "Pudface" held Carney at gunpoint, but she swiftly fought back and knocked him out. RoboCop pulled the clown mask off of him, revealing that it was not Pudface, but rather his goon Shorty. Trailed by the Inside Crime crew, RoboCop confronted Pudface at the Delta City Bank vault, apprehending him once again.[17]

RoboCop chased a stolen truck full of Commander Cash products until it stopped at a sports arena. He opened the truck to find that all of the perpetrators were eight-year-old children. He later attended the Omni Mall opening ceremony to help with crowd control. He asked the children in attendance to obey their parents and the law. He also refused photographs with Commander Cash, as he was on duty. A man dressed as Commander Cash soon arrived, introducing himself to RoboCop before taking the stage, where he told all of the children that everything in the mall was free. Chaos ensued as all of the children cleared a nearby toy store's shelves and Commander Cash threw OCP's Children's Marketing and Entertainment Vice President Simon Atwater at RoboCop, telling him to arrest Atwater for violating "cartoon law." Instead, RoboCop began to approach Cash to arrest him for inciting a riot, but as he made his escape, Cash claimed to be a superhero, which RoboCop's lie detector determined as a likely truth.[18]

At the precinct, RoboCop searched the law database for "cartoon law." Charlie reminded him of cartoons, prompting a flashback of Jimmy, who hold him that superheroes always win, this being a cartoon law. Madigan then entered, showing RoboCop a hidden message on the back of Commander Cash brand Super Flakes: "OBEY COMMANDER CASH."[18]

As Commander Cash commanded another group of children to take everything from a toy store, RoboCop arrived as the shopkeeper fired a shotgun at Commander Cash, who survived thanks to an OCP Lead Stopper. He tried to arrest Cash, but the supposed superhero ordered the children to crowd RoboCop, who managed to fire a tagger onto Cash.[18]

He followed the tagger's signal to a warehouse, where he stepped into a trap, which strung him up by his foot as Commander Cash emerged. He freed himself and lost sight of Cash until using his thermographic vision to find him behind a wall of bags of concrete. Cash toppled the wall onto RoboCop, then put a device on his data spike which showed him an animation. The animation identified Cash as Tex Jones, a former OCP scientist whose invention of Commander Cash and a phase pulsing projector were stolen by Simon Atwater, who had a psychohypnotic capable of convincing anyone to do anything, and was undetectable except when mixed with milk.[18]


RoboCop went back to the precinct, showing Madigan and Charlie that the psychohypnotic was in Super Flakes, pouring milk into some. He then went to Atwater's office to arrest him, but Atwater fired electric plungers into the cyborg's chest, disabling him. An injured Jones crawled over to RoboCop and removed the plungers. RoboCop validated Jones' belief that he was a hero. He then accompanied Jones out of the office, helping him finally stop Atwater, who was then arrested by Madigan.[18]

Through an informant, RoboCop became aware of a gun-running operation run by Reggie Braga. He instigated one raid of Braga's facility by hiding within one of the weapons crates, bursting out once Parks arrived with backup.[19]

He retrieved v-phone footage of Braga through his informant and showed it to Parks and Madigan. The footage showed Braga plotting with a mysterious person known as "The Magician" to assassinate the OCP Chairman. Because this footage was inadmissible as evidence, RoboCop continued investigating the gun-running operation, apprehending three suspects.[19]

At the unveiling of the Interceptor Mark II, where the attempt at assassinating the Chairman was to take place, RoboCop guarded him. He blocked the sniper's view until spotting his perch and knocking him off, allowing him to be arrested.[19]

The following day, RoboCop was set to demonstrate the Mark II in a field test. While Edward Foster distracted Tish Collier – who the police suspected to be The Magician – with a kiss, RoboCop activated the car's auto-pilot and escaped through a hatch in the starting ramp. The car drove until it exploded.[19]

RoboCop led a raid on Braga's facility as he, Tish, and his men celebrated the supposed demise of RoboCop. As they apprehended her, Tish admitted to being The Magician.[19]

RoboCop intervened in a shootout between Boffo the Clown and Lunchtime Louie food trucks, fronts for Vlad Molotov and Reggie Braga's illegal gambling businesses, respectively. Back at the precinct, he prepared to follow another lead on Braga, but was asked to upload the arrest records for the shootout first. After doing so, Madigan read aloud a memo from J. Michael Trenton, asking for RoboCop's circuits to be adjusted after his number of arrests dropped by two percent. He told her to pass the memo to Charlie.[20]

He entered Braga's warehouse as a firefight ensued, instigated by a vigilante, who RoboCop recognized as Murphy's former partner Timothy Malloy. He said Malloy's name, but he did not acknowledge him and proceeded with blowing the building up. RoboCop shot a tagger onto Malloy and returned to the precinct and dismissed his colleagues' concern for his behavior before searching the computer system for records on Malloy. He recalled Murphy testifying against Malloy for an assault on a suspect, a testimony that led to Malloy being sentenced for twenty years.[20]

RoboCop asked Diana to search the city for Malloy's location. He also asked if she could access the parole records for Buchanan Maximum Security Prison, where Malloy was incarcerated, but she could not, as they were not part of her system. She did eventually track Malloy's location to Molotov's warehouse, where another firefight ensued. RoboCop intervened, distracting Malloy from the criminals, allowing their escape. RoboCop called Malloy by name, seemingly making him have some recollection. He took him back to the precinct, making him have a small recollection of Murphy. Malloy was then returned to prison.[20]

Malloy's return to prison was not long and RoboCop soon learned that he was headed for Molotov's warehouse. Finding him engaged in a shootout with Molotov and Braga's men, RoboCop blocked their sights with a truck so that he could finally help restore Malloy's memory. The pair fired back at the criminals until backup arrived. However, Malloy was apparently blown out the side of the building and into a body of water. Madigan called for a search-and-rescue as RoboCop recalled one of Malloy's rules: "Always look out for your partner."[20]

RoboCop responded to the scene of a protest by the Woman for the Overthrow of Male Bastions (WOMB), specifically in response to a group of Rad Femmes vandalizing the Chairman's car and attacking him and his driver. When RoboCop intervened, a pair of the Rad Femmes, Willa Sweet and Punk spray-painted his armor, so he arrested them for defacing police property.[21]

After learning the Chairman had been kidnapped, RoboCop and Madigan immediately responded to the OCP headquarters. There, they found a message from the kidnappers – the Rad Femmes he had arrested – saying that the Chairman would not be released until WOMB's demands were met. Upon searching the office, RoboCop found a disc and planned to have it analyzed. However, upon his return, he found himself unable to contact Diana and asked Charlie to examine the disc instead. He then saw a news interview with Nancy, where she denounced the Rad Femmes' actions, in the behalf of WOMB.[21]

RoboCop and Madigan visited Nancy to ask her about the Rad Femmes, learning that she saw them with Rochelle Carney. He then asked why Nancy was a member of WOMB, to which she answered that she realized when Alex died that she was almost entirely dependent upon him. She joined WOMB to help other women from ending up in the same situation. RoboCop was troubled by this, but Madigan assured him that he was a good husband and Nancy's struggles after his death was not his fault.[21]

On his way to the OCP headquarters, RoboCop asked for an update from Charlie, who had made no significant progress with the disc. After surmising that the disc contained a virus, he tried to contact Diana again, but failed. Upon reaching the office, he found security footage of Chayken in the office, telling Diana that he had indeed uploaded a virus to the Chairman's computer, which rendered her useless and eventually nonexistent. RoboCop uploaded an anti-virus to the computer, saving Diana.[21]

Following Chaken's signal, Diana led RoboCop to Harold Hammersmith's residence, where Hammersmith admitted to housing Chayken. Moments later, Carney and Chayken sped toward RoboCop in Carney's car. He held on by the roof and shot the engine, forcing the car to a halt. Peeling back the roof, he told the pair that they were under arrest. Once out of the car, Chayken held Carney at gunpoint until Diana used a utility pole to shock Chayken into submission so RoboCop could place them both under arrest.[21]

Two of RoboCop's fellow officers encouraged him to take part in their bet on a football game, but he declined. Diana appeared to him, agreeing that he should allow himself some leisure time. Moments later, he responded to a robbery at Mirsky Microwave, catching one of the perpetrators, while the other escaped and killed the very officers that had just spoken to RoboCop. He and Parks questioned Elliot Jessup, the perp that was caught. Jessup declined to name his accomplice and insisted that they did not know the device they stole – which was used to kill the officers – could be used as a weapon. RoboCop determined Jessup to be lying and upon pressing him harder, learned that he was part of a top secret OCP project led by Wilson Eberhart. As they walked out, Jessup was killed in the same manner as the policemen. RoboCop scanned the crowd, finding nothing amiss.[22]

After finding top secret printouts in Jessup's apartment, a leak in MetroNet was expected to be the cause. RoboCop and Parks went to the Chairman, who informed them that OCP had subcontracted Mirsky Microwave to create a non-lethal, laser-guided microwave gun. However, Eberhart soon entered confirming that the weapon, known as Heartbreaker, could be lethal. The Chairman asked for Heartbreaker to be found and for the leak to be stopped.[22]

RoboCop took the Heartbreaker's power enhancer into the evidence room and received a call from an anonymous caller, claiming to have information on Heartbreaker and asking to meet at a warehouse. Upon his arrival, RoboCop was greeted by a television screen revealing that the person behind it was aware that he was Alex Murphy and showed that they had kidnapped Nancy. As ransom, they gave RoboCop until midnight to bring the Heartbreaker's power enhancer and scope. Returning to his cruiser, RoboCop unscrambled the disguised voice that had come from the television and went to the Murphy home to take Jimmy to a friend's house.[22]

He returned to Metro South, overriding his directive to uphold the law in order to take the power enhancer from the evidence locker. He took it to the warehouse and the kidnappers still demanded the scope, which RoboCop did not have access to. They warned him that Nancy would be killed if they did not receive the scope by midnight. After returning to his cruiser, Diana appeared to him, having correctly determined that his current predicament involved Nancy. When dispatch and Parks tried to contact RoboCop to return to the precinct, Diana turned off his signal, prompting Parks to put out an all-points bulletin on him.[22]

After being chased by police, RoboCop showed the voice recording to Diana, saying that he already ruled out the voice belonging to anyone in Security Concepts. She agreed to determine a match. RoboCop then emerged from the cruiser and approached Mirsky Microwave, where several officers stood, opening fire on him. He told them they did not need to prove they were brave, then walked past them to enter the facility. Instead of stealing the scope, he took only the case. Back outside, he was met by even more police, led by Parks, who approached. RoboCop promised to surrender once he finished his job and asked Parks to give him until midnight, to which the Sergeant agreed. After RoboCop got back into his cruiser, Diana appeared, telling him Nancy's location.[22]

He burst into the office of Conrad Brock, who held Nancy at gunpoint with the Heartbreaker, warning that at such a close range, it would fry her brain. Diana distracted Brock for a moment by playing cartoons on his television, allowing Nancy to free herself. Brock fired the Heartbreaker at RoboCop, who managed to reverse the polarity, reducing Brock to a pile of dust. He approached Nancy and praised her courage. When she asked about a connection between them that Brock hinted at, RoboCop declined to tell her he was her husband. Instead, he said he saved her because she was the wife of a cop, and that all of the cops were family.[22]

Parks followed RoboCop in, having learned about the whole situation. When asked where Brock was, RoboCop pointed to the pile of dust and remarked that he could not "take the heat." Parks asked RoboCop why he did not tell him, but Murphy did not wish to risk Nancy's life. Diana then appeared, asking for RoboCop's advice in declining Charlie's advances, to which he advised to let him down easy. Later, Gadget dragged RoboCop into Charlie's lab, where Charlie wore a headset that allowed him to dance with Diana in a simulation. RoboCop explained to Gadget that Charlie was happy and he would elaborate someday. The two left Charlie alone in the lab.[22]

RoboCop again helped foil Vladimir Molotov's plans when he took part in a sting operation designed to catch Molotov in the process of buying smuggled Russian caviar. Molotov tried to escape with his driver Nadia, who sped the car toward RoboCop. He anchored himself into the ground, causing the car to wrap around him, allowing him to easily arrest the criminals.[23]

In retaliation against Sergeant Parks, Molotov planned to kidnap Gadget, but RoboCop caught two of his men in the act and arrested them both. After this incident, Gadget was told by Parks to remain at the precinct unless accompanied by himself or another officer. However, after she snuck out with Jimmy, RoboCop, Parks, and other officers followed a tagger Parks placed in her pocket. They found her and Jimmy outside Family Services. RoboCop took Jimmy back home.[23]

Once Gadget discovered the identity of her biological mother, Sally Modesto, she was left with deciding between living with her or staying with Parks. RoboCop advised that she follow her heart. Seeing Parks troubled with the possibility of losing Gadget, Murphy was reminded of losing his own family.[23]

After following Gadget to Sally's home, RoboCop went to Family Services to speak with an employee who assisted Gadget earlier. He admitted to RoboCop that he was forced by Molotov's men to change Sally's personal history file and hid the real one, which detailed an extensive criminal record. RoboCop passed this file on to Madigan, who then forwarded a recording of a call Molotov made to them. He asked Diana for her help in determining where it came from.[23]

Finding Molotov's warehouse, where Gadget and Sally were held hostage, RoboCop shot his way inside. Molotov used a forklift to repeatedly ram him against a car, which he quickly discovered to be outfitted with a grenade launcher, which he used to blow up the forklift, sending Molotov flying into a stack of contraband caviar. When Gadget and Parks were reunited, RoboCop asked them to take care of each other.[23]

RoboCop and Madigan caught jewelry robber Cleveland just as he completed his rope descent from his target. He initially refused to answer any questions, but relented once RoboCop lifted him off the ground. Soon, a nearby bus sped forward with nobody driving, so Madigan managed to board it, but failed to gain control. RoboCop pursued until the bus crashed. He found Madigan in the wreckage, conscious, but unable to feel anything. She was transported to a hospital and slipped into a coma. When RoboCop and Parks went to visit her, a nurse told them she had suffered permanent neck and spine damage.[24]

RoboCop went to Charlie, who was analyzing a needle found at the scene, containing a residue he could not identify. RoboCop promised him that whoever was responsible for the crash would be punished with the fullest extent of the law.[24]

He visited Madigan again, during which time, she awoke from her coma and became hysterical upon realizing she was paralyzed, prompting a nurse to give her a sedative.[24]

Parks contacted RoboCop when no signal was detected from the Delta City Bank's alarm system. He reported to the scene as criminals Tom and Jerry ran out to their getaway car with the loot. The car's driver, Dennis Finch, fired a dart at RoboCop's cruiser, making him lose control of it. As the crooks got away, RoboCop fired a tagger onto Tom.[24]

Charlie and Parks soon arrived on the scene, where more of the same residue from the crash was found in safe deposit box 666, which was registered to the alias "Howard K. Smith." Upon Charlie's suggestion, RoboCop scanned the bank's security footage.[24]

Charlie soon determined the residue to match an IRS patent for transporting nano machines. He showed RoboCop his findings, including the patent being credited to Edward Feldston, a nano machine expert who was arrested by the IRS and assigned to develop nano machines for medical purposes. The arresting IRS agent had been Dennis Finch, who RoboCop recognized from bank security footage.[24]

He went to Finch's business, Finch Financial Resources, where he sat outside until Finch's car emerged. He pursued it, but found only Tom inside. Once he stopped Tom, he heard a bomb attached to the car and quickly got himself and Tom to safety.[24]

RoboCop visited Madigan again and, being stuck in a medical machine, she said she understood how Murphy felt. She asked how she could keep living, to which he said that for as long as she had a purpose in life, that question would have an answer.[24]

Parks called RoboCop, telling him the location of Finch's backup hideout. He went there, finding Feldston and preparing to arrest him. Feldston said he was not a willing participant in the robberies, which RoboCop determined to almost certainly be the truth. He took Feldston to the precinct, learning from him Finch's entire plan. RoboCop determined that Finch was after assets seized by the IRS, which Feldston said to be stored in a vault on Hoover Road.[24]

RoboCop confronted Finch and Jerry at the vault, but was quickly trapped in a hydraulic forklift. He escaped as the criminals made a run for it and he managed to fire a tagger onto Jerry, who was left behind by Finch, allowing RoboCop to arrest him.[24]

While stuck in a traffic jam, RoboCop tried contacting Diana, who he found to be behaving strangely. He eventually finds his way to Public Works to perform repairs on Diana, who fails to keep him out. He checked the NeuroBrain diagnostics terminal, finding that the hospital where Madigan was being kept was near catastrophic failure. He used a set of nano machines from Feldston to return Diana to her normal function, restoring the power at the hospital.[24]

Back in the TurboCruiser, Diana determined where Finch was headed, allowing RoboCop to ambush him. Finch sped his car toward RoboCop, who anchored himself to the ground, stopping the car. He destroyed its engine and pulled Finch out to arrest him.[24]

Feldston used his nano machines to perform surgery on Madigan, curing her of her paralysis. She was soon back at work and joined RoboCop to take out a sniper.[24]

RoboCop was called in as backup for a robbery at Martling & Stern Brokerage, where the first responders were trapped inside their car by the perpetrators, who tried the same with the TurboCruiser. RoboCop managed to quickly reset it and get out. The robbers then threw a magnetic explosive onto the door of the other cruiser, escaping while RoboCop ripped the door off the cruiser and threw it in the air for the bomb to safely detonate. Madigan soon arrived and they investigated the scene, determining that the group they dubbed the Corporate Raiders were responsible, because they wore Chairman masks, used high-tech devices, and used Flatscan to knock out a security guard.[25]

Upon returning to the precinct, RoboCop and Madigan saw Russell Murphy talking to other officers. Madigan tried to convince RoboCop to reveal to Russell that he was his son, but he refused, feeling that it would cause more pain for his father. Inside, he helped Russell identify a piece of evidence he captured on video at a Big Business Buddies (BBB) awards ceremony, where Jimmy was honored. RoboCop enhanced the footage, revealing that Russell had spotted Tessa Stark, the crime suspect in a bombing he investigated twenty years prior, but could not convict due to not having enough evidence. Later, RoboCop and Madigan examined Tessa's file and he explained that the lack of evidence was due to Tessa sticking her hand in a paper shredder to destroy a birthmark a witness had identified.[25]

RoboCop responded to a Corporate Raiders crime at Delta City Telephone. They eventually made their escape, detonating bombs behind them. After saving his father's life, RoboCop emerged from the building to be greeted by Madigan, who asked "Murphy" if he was alright, to which both Murphys responded, to his father's confusion. Russell aired his suspicions that the Corporate Raiders were connected to the BBB, having witnessed the crime begin not long after a BBB group showed up. After a scan, RoboCop found no connections between the Corporate Raiders and BBB and insisted upon finding more evidence. Russell reluctantly agreed, knowing that Alex would have thought the same thing.[25]

Parks later contacted RoboCop to tell him that Russell had gone to the BBB headquarters, armed with his gun. RoboCop followed, incapacitating a Corporate Raider who stood guard, and found Jimmy held captive. After Jimmy kicked Roger John Waldo, causing him to inject himself with Flatscan, he told RoboCop that Tessa Stark had taken the Chairman and Russell, with plans to destroy OCP.[25]

RoboCop arrived at a substation where Tessa intercepted numerous stock trades. After he destroyed her computer that carried out the process, Tessa swung a large pipe into RoboCop, knocking his helmet off, then prepared to crush him with the pipe until Russell intervened. As Madigan arrived with backup to arrest Tessa and her underlings, RoboCop hurriedly left the building, hiding his face from his father. Russell quickly followed and called Alex by name, causing him to halt and face his father. Seeing his father's struggle to come to terms with what had happened to him, Alex told him they could not change what had already happened and asked him not to tell the rest of their family. He then said "I am still a cop," to which his father agreed.[25]

RoboCop pursued the Sweepers after they robbed a storage facility. During the chase, the leader threw a can of the biotoxin ricin-x into the TurboCruiser. This forced RoboCop to cease pursuing them so he could stop the cruiser, seal it up, and call for a decontamination team. He and the cruiser were taken to the OCP Biohazard Containment Facility, where he emerged unharmed after decontamination. Madigan recognized the can as being the last of three cans of ricin-x connected to a massacre at Delta City University two years prior. As Madigan went to speak to the supposed perpetrator Roy Macklin, RoboCop focused on tracking down the Sweepers to learn how they got a hold of the toxin.[26]

He and Madigan examined Macklin's interview records, finding that his initial claims of innocence were likely just as truthful as his confessions recorded mere months later. RoboCop pointed out that Macklin was given a psychiatric examination by Dr. Audrey Frink between the two interviews.[26]

Backed up by Parks and other officers, RoboCop went to the Sweepers' illegal market and recognized the leader as the one who threw the can into his cruiser. The leader detailed how they came across it, but did not remember from where. RoboCop examined a Delta University t-shirt found with the can and passed it along to Charlie for DNA analysis.[26]

Madigan later called RoboCop for backup at Audrey Frink's office. He arrived just as Madigan had been pushed off the roof, using an Electro-Field to break her fall.[26]

Back at the precinct, RoboCop examined records from Delta City University, finding evidence that records connected to some OCP executives as well as Dr. Frink had been tampered with. Charlie then brought RoboCop the results of the DNA test, showing a match to OCP executive Billy Sullivan.[26]

RoboCop and Madigan went to Sullivan's office, but he presented them with a story his lawyer might give to explain away the evidence against him. Needing more evidence, the pair split up, with Madigan focusing on getting more information from Macklin while RoboCop kept his focus on Sullivan.[26]

After placing a tagger on Sullivan's car, RoboCop followed him to the Auto Siberia Wrecking Yard, where various crime bosses awaited Sullivan. Vlad Molotov's men immediately became aware of him and used a crane to knock him over and drop him into a crusher. He placed a steel beam between the walls to brace it, but this soon failed, prompting him to use his arms, eventually overloading the crusher and allowing him to escape. He burst into the warehouse, briefly exchanging fire with the crime bosses.[26]

Once Parks brought backup and rounded up the criminals, RoboCop tells the crime bosses that Sullivan was responsible for the raid, angering them to the point of threatening to have their people kill Sullivan. Knowing that these threats were of substance, Sullivan confessed to the Delta City University attack and framing Macklin for it.[26]

RoboCop rushed to the Henry Ford Center for the Morally Challenged, where Macklin was preparing to perform his own execution live on Execution Tonight. He burst into the execution chamber and disabled the machine before bringing Sullivan in front of the camera to confess his crimes to the public.[26]

RoboCop responded to a robbery by Pudface and his goons at Security Concepts. After taking down the henchmen, RoboCop followed Pudface to the room containing a reserve of supplies and parts for RoboCop. Pudface threw a grenade at Murphy, who sealed the room. He survived the explosion unscathed, but much of his gear fell victim to the grenade.[27]

As Madigan spoke to Cray Z. Mallardo in his cell, RoboCop observed. He determined that Mallardo's claim of having secret warnings of crimes being sent to his brain to have between a 70 and 75 percent chance of being true. However, he did note that this could have been due to Mallardo being able to easily adjust his stress levels.[27]

In preparation for the arrival of the President of the United States, RoboCop, Madigan, and Parks met with the head of Secret Service, Bob L. McGrew. Upon meeting RoboCop, McGrew lamented the fact that RoboCop could not work for the Secret Service due to concerns about anti-robotic voters.[27]

While standing by to be called in for crowd control, RoboCop looked over Mallardo's files and was advised by Charlie to be careful, as the only weapons that survived Pudface's grenade were his tag weapons. On his way out, he was stopped by Madigan, who received a message from Mallardo indicating there would be an attack during the President's appearance. They went to pass the message along to McGrew and as they did so, they witnessed Edward Foster being abducted by Pudface. RoboCop fired a tagger onto Pudface's van and they followed it to a warehouse. Inside, they found the van, with only Foster and a bomb inside. RoboCop disarmed the bomb, making note of its simplicity. Back at the precinct for maintenance, RoboCop and Madigan noticed that each crime Mallardo had reported was perpetrated by someone connected to either Pudface or Chayken.[27]

RoboCop, Madigan, and McGrew accompanied the President to a hotel suite, where Mallardo was brough in shortly after, due to the President being interested in Mallardo's purported ability. When Mallardo stated that Pudface would use a remote controlled bomb to try to assassinate the President, RoboCop determined this to be a 100 percent true statement. After scanning the convention center for a bomb, he replayed several recordings, realizing that the bomb was one of the tagger weapons, having been switched out by Pudface during the Security Concepts robbery.[27]

He disarmed the bomb and cornered Chayken and Mallardo in a stairwell, eventually getting Pudface's location from them before having them arrested by other officers. He explained to Madigan where the bomb was, then headed toward Pudface in his van. The van sped toward Murphy, who managed to tip it over. Pudface emerged and pressed the detonator, thinking the one in RoboCop's leg was still active. Instead, a bomb planted on the van by Chayken was detonated, sending Pudface flying in RoboCop's direction. He punched Pudface, who was immediately arrested, then was approached by the President and First Gentleman. They thanked him for saving their lives and offered him a job in Washington D.C. He declined, preferring to remain in his hometown.[27]


Ten years after his initial activation, RoboCop was assigned to Precinct 1, where he was maintained by Dr. Colleen Frost. Due to declining crime rates, earning Delta City the title "safest place on Earth," RoboCop was commonly seen as obsolete and a relic of the past.[28]

RoboCop arrived to the Chelsea Clinton Savings & Loan, where the gang Da Bomzz had taken hostages. Before going in, he met Delta City Security head Commander John T. Cable, who was once Murphy's partner and close friend. After a brief flashback, RoboCop headed inside and demanded the release of the hostages. However, the situation was interrupted by the vigilante Bone Machine, who opened fire, sending RoboCop flying back. As RoboCop's systems shut down, Bone Machine killed the last remaining member of Da Bomzz and escaped.[28]

While being repaired by Dr. Frost, RoboCop reflected upon his age and doubted he had a higher purpose. He replayed footage of Bone Machine and ran it through his terminal, determining that Bone Machine's equipment had been manufactured by OCP Security Concepts. He took this finding to Cable, finding him in his office playing a chess game he and Murphy had played years before. They surmised that Bone Machine was a police officer who eventually resorted to vigilantism.[28]

RoboCop responded to the scene of an attack on Harlan's Donuts, perpetrated by Bone Machine. This prompted him to have a flashback of himself and Cable encountering the Motor City Mangler shortly after leaving the shop. Murphy later encountered his son James – now grown-up and an OCP executive – at the precinct and considered revealing he was his father, but declined, feeling it was better that way.[28]

While RoboCop slept, a member of the Trust broke into his chamber and programmed a fourth directive into his system: "Terminate John Cable." Upon being woken by Dr. Frost, RoboCop made his way out of the precinct and went on his way to carry out this new directive. Cable asked him to meet at a Security Concepts bunker, located at an abandoned prison. Upon arrival, he found Cable and prepared to arrest him, but opened fire as his target ran. After Murphy hit him in the leg, Cable confronted him and called him by name, having determined RoboCop's true identity. Cable began to try and talk him out of his fourth directive, which his system now recognized as being contradictory to his first three directives. He began to malfunction and begged Cable to run.[28]

He followed Cable to Metro South, where the two had worked together, prompting RoboCop to recall various voices from his past at the precinct. In a garage, RoboCop found Cable, who reflected upon how both of them had been cast to the wayside and considered obsolete. Knowing there was no way out for either of them, Cable told Murphy to shoot him. As RoboCop raised his gun, Bone Machine entered and opened fire until holding Cable at gunpoint. Cable begged RoboCop to shoot and the malfunctioning cyborg eventually managed to. In a fury, he then unleashed a barrage of bullets into Bone Machine, knocking him to the ground and causing his mask to fall off. This revealed him to Murphy as Albert Bixler, a fellow policeman who served with Murphy and Cable. Bixler drew a gun and held it to RoboCop's head, but Murphy quickly brandished his data spike and viciously stabbed Bixler to death until the dying Cable called out to him. Murphy assured his old friend that they had won. Later, while in his chamber, RoboCop shed a tear as he recalled Cable's death.[28]

RoboCop soon wiped out the remainder of the Da Bomzz gang. This, alongside other activities, caused worry for some of the public, feeling that the cyborg had become too violent. He responded to the scene of a tech theft at the OCP headquarters by driving his cruiser into the building. The defense system – which had been turned on the police – attacked him with its lasers, but they had little effect on his armor. He entered the lab, where Lexx Icon and Abby Normal attempted to ambush him with electrical weapons, but he easily fended them off. However, Ann R. Key appeared and managed to gain the upper hand, knocking him backwards through a glass wall and shorting him out with her shock stick, before making off with the theft and her comrades. Back at the precinct, Dr. Frost scolded him for his reckless behavior, but he was distracted by his recording of Cable's death. Suddenly, he stood up and left, following a new directive to search for Cable.[29]

Murphy went to the cemetery, visiting Cable's grave. He then moved on to Ellen's, then his own. He knelt down in front of it, then swung his fist into his headstone, breaking it. Meanwhile, Cable's remains had been used in a new iteration of RoboCop, known as RoboCable. This cyborg was sent to commit several violent acts, which were all pinned on Murphy, causing OCP to demand his arrest or destruction.[29]

He was confronted by a division of police, led by OCP Legal Affairs' Sandra Smyles and Division Commander Carl S. Buck. Buck refused to arrest or open fire on RoboCop, holstering his weapon and storming off. The remainder of the group initially refused to fire on RoboCop, since he was one of them, but they relented once Smyles threatened their jobs. Nevertheless, their bullets had little effect on RoboCop's armor, prompting them to flee. Murphy grabbed Smyles and learned that his arrest had been ordered by Sara Cable. RoboCable then intervened, RoboCop's computer immediately matching his voice with Cable's. The two opened fire upon each other until RoboCop escaped out a window. This led to a car chase until Murphy drove into a body of water.[29]

He emerged in Old Detroit, with his GPS system needing fixed. Donning a hooded cloak to hide his appearance, RoboCop found his way to a marketplace, stopping at a tech vendor to get the microprocessor he needed. He then spotted a thief making off with a girl's Otomo doll and clotheslined him with his arm. He returned the toy to the girl and learned her name was Jordan. Her accompanied her to find her mother.[29]

RoboCop and Jordan went to Metro South, where the former began to perform repairs upon himself. Hearing a noise elsewhere in the building, he left to check, but was ambushed by Ann R. Key, Jordan's mother, who electrocuted him, causing him to drop his weapon and spasm helplessly to a nearby wall. She warned that he was out of his element in Old Detroit. He stated his intention to return to Delta City to continue serving his duty, but Ann pointed out that too many people wanted him dead in the city and that his past should stay past. He replied that all he had was his past. As Ann and Jordan left, they asked his name, but he gave no answer. As the Systems Support division – also known as RoboHunters – terrorized Old Detroit in search of him, RoboCop contacted RoboCable, telling him to follow his signal.[29]

Once Cable arrived at Metro South, Murphy tried to help him remember who he was, but Cable attacked. A fight raged on between the two until Murphy sent Cable his recording of Cable's final moments, causing the newer cyborg to freeze. Jordan approached in search of her toy, but System Support soon closed in on them. RoboCop urged them to drop their weapons, but a firefight ensued. Though he put up a good fight, their sheer numbers and electrical weapons quickly overwhelm him. Ann soon intervened after RoboCop was knocked down and Jordan was caught in the crossfire. RoboCop dragged himself to Jordan, shielding her with his body as he continued to take fire until Cable remembered his identity. Cable helped Murphy up and they returned fire, prompting their opponents to flee. The pair – who were reported dead to the public – prepared for further resistance.[29] Upon finding shelter, Cable urged the heavily-damaged Murphy to sit down and rest while he fended off reinforcements.[30]

Ann R. Key, Lexx Icon, and Abby Normal soon found RoboCop and took him to their hideout to make repairs, which Ann was conducting as a favor in return for him helping Jordan. While making repairs, she noticed an inert interface point in Murphy's brain, potentially linked to reasoning, personality, and long-term memory. He asked Abby to activating it, causing memories of Murphy's death to flood his mind all at once, putting him into a brief coma due to the information overload. His repairs were soon completed, with his systems being well beyond optimal. Ann explained to him the virus Legion, designed to destroy both human and machine life, created by her former partner David Kaydick. He agreed to help her and her crew take him down.[30]

RoboCop remotely contacted Cable, who would soon arrive after Ann left in search of Jordan, who had slipped away from the hideout. Upon arrival, Cable ordered RoboCop, Lexx, and Abby to surrender and RoboCop successfully saved the women from bullets Cable fired at them. Systems Support arrived, prompting a gunfight that cost the lives of both Lexx and Abby. Due to RoboCable escaping the fray, Murphy remained the only one left standing. He took Lexx's armored muscle car and barreled through the group of RoboHunters outside, nearly hitting James in the process.[30]

He tracked Cable's signal to an abandoned church and crashed the car through the wall, taking out a satellite which Kaydick was using to upload Legion to S.A.I.N.T., a system designed to automate OCP and eventually Delta City itself. Systems Support arrived and more gunfire ensued, with Murphy pausing to stop Cable from shooting James, prompting a brief standoff between the two cyborgs. After the shooting resumed, RoboCop took out the remaining RoboHunters as Cable escaped with Kaydick, with Jordan in tow. James confronted RoboCop, threatening to set off an EMP device that would fry Murphy's systems. Murphy explained to his son that he never revealed himself to him, as he felt it was the right thing to do, especially after his mother had died, and felt he would not be a good father to him as RoboCop. He took off his helmet, showing Alex's face to James, who tearfully apologized and embraced his father. Murphy, James, and Ann left the hideout in Lexx's car.[30]

RoboCop soon found Cable's signal headed toward Delta City and James pointed out that Delta City would become automated by S.A.I.N.T. in mere hours and the entire city could become infected by Legion if Kaydick succeeded. RoboCop, James, and Ann headed into Delta City, crashing through a security checkpoint. Several police officers gave pursuit, but once one officer saw him, he and Murphy shared a nod and the officer called off the chase. Murphy then sped toward the OCP headquarters, crashing into the lobby, where James disabled the security systems with his clearance. Security guards confronted them but were easily incapacitated by RoboCop and Ann, who headed toward S.A.I.N.T.'s research lab with James.[31]

Upon entering the lab, they learned from S.A.I.N.T.'s developer Ed Hobley that it had been moved. As the trio told Hobley about Legion, OCP President Damian Lowe entered just as S.A.I.N.T. fully secured the building. Hobley agreed to help them stop Legion, staying in the lab as they took Lowe with them toward the mainframe, as they would need his DNA to access it.[31]

The group encountered a party of security guards, crossing paths with RoboCable, Kaydick, and Jordan. Murphy and Cable fired on each other and were eventually blown to a lower floor by a guard's grenade launcher. The two cyborgs intermittently continued their fight as they journeyed toward the mainframe. RoboCop eventually reached it after Cable, prying the doors open to allow James, Jordan, and Hobley to escape.[31]

During another scuffle with Cable, Murphy was briefly disabled. The pursued the other cyborg to where he had cornered his allies. Refusing to continue fighting, RoboCop turned his back on Cable, who plunged his terminal strip into the back of Murphy's head, shutting him down. He reactivated minutes later after Cable had set off an EMP blast to stop Legion, and Murphy was greeted by a video message of Cable explaining this to him and imploring Murphy to never forget who he was. In addition, he no longer had any Prime Directives.[31]

Outside, Murphy told his son he had to go continue to protect the innocent, serve the public trust, and uphold the law. Now openly going by Alex J. Murphy, he became the de facto leader of Delta City Security and urged the citizens to "stay out of trouble."[31]


The OCP Crime Prevention Unit 001 was afforded the fastest reflexes made possible by modern technology, a memory assisted by an on-board computer, and programmed with a lifetime experience in on-the-street law enforcement.

Prime directives[]

Main article: Prime Directives

Fundamental to his operational limits were RoboCop's "Prime Directives," a set of rules, unbreakable and unbendable, that RoboCop is bound to uphold:

Prime Directives
  1. "Serve the public trust"
  2. "Protect the innocent"
  3. "Uphold the law"

A fourth directive, of which RoboCop was initially programmed to be unaware unless it became relevant, rendered him physically incapable of placing any senior OCP employee under arrest: "any attempt to arrest a senior OCP employee results in shutdown." While it did not actually shut him down, it did cause him severe pain and stunned him. Dick Jones stated that Directive 4 was his contribution to RoboCop's psychological profile, intended specifically to protect himself from being arrested for his crimes. But this directive failed Jones when he held the "Old Man" hostage and was fired by him, allowing RoboCop to kill Jones.[1]

When Dr. Juliette Faxx gave RoboCop so many directives that they all but paralyzed him against taking any action at all, he deliberately short-circuited himself and thereby erased all his directives, undoing her sabotage and relying on his human mentality as a police officer to guide him. He punctuated this by demanding rhetorically, "Are we cops?!" which got an enthusiastic positive response.[2]

In the fight against the Rehabs, Directive 4 had been declassified and now read clearly as, "Never oppose an OCP officer." Dr. Marie Lazarus subsequently deleted this directive.[5]



Robo holster

RoboCop's primary weapon, the Auto-9, remained stored in a mechanical holster which deployed from RoboCop's right leg. It was also modified so it would not fire unless RoboCop was the one using it.[1]

Terminal strip[]

RoboCop's terminal strip (sometimes referred to as a "data spike") was a sharp, spike-like device that protruded from RoboCop's right fist. This device could be used by RoboCop to interface with a corresponding data port in order to download information from the police database and compare information he gathered from his missions with the police database. This device was also used to kill Clarence Boddicker; having pinned RoboCop under a pile of scrap metal, the cyborg waited for Boddicker to approach and then stabbed Boddicker in the throat, killing the crime lord.[1]

Machine gun/rocket launcher[]

By the time he faced the Rehabs, RoboCop was outfitted with a gunarm. To use it, RoboCop removed his left hand and replaced it with the weapon assembly. It contained a 9mm machine gun, a flamethrower, and a small missile launcher with a projectile powerful enough to destroy an armored vehicle.[5]

Flightpack/recharging station[]

In his fight against the Rehabs, RoboCop used a flightpack. It also doubled as a replenishing system for when his battery system was low on power. The jetpack allowed Murphy to overcome his relatively limited mobility for tactical advantage in combat.[5]


RoboCop had an internal zoom capability for better aim as well as tracking. RoboCop also had different vision modes. His systems used a grid which was crucial to RoboCop's targeting as well as bullet trajectory, allowing him to make ricochet shots. RoboCop also was equipped with night vision, allowing him to see in the dark. His programming prevented him from targeting children, which allowed Hob to shoot RoboCop and escape the Nuke drug lab.[2] He also had a recorder which could detect voice fluctuations and stress as well as play back audio/visual. This recording capability enabled RoboCop to document any situation he encountered with perfect recall and unbiased neutrality, with his memory being deemed through legal agreement as admissible evidence in a court of law.[1] RoboCop also possessed a directional microphone with which he could track conversations from a distance. It was very sensitive, as he could hear vehicles approaching from afar despite being indoors.[5]

Flashbang Shockwave[]

To be added

Body structure[]

RoboCop's body, while incorporating portions of Alex Murphy's living tissue, was largely electronic and mechanical. This interior structure was protected by a titanium armored shell composite laminated with Kevlar, making RoboCop incredibly resilient to most small arms ammunition and explosives as well as extreme impacts such as being hit by cars and falls from great heights. The body armor could sustain multiple high-caliber rounds before damage began to appear on the armor itself. It was also highly resistant to heat, as RoboCop was unaffected after being caught in a gas station explosion or being set on fire. His visor was made of the same material and had a black strip of bulletproof anti-fog glass which protected the cranium apparatus and eyes. The visor also had an undercloth of Kevlar, which protected the neck and any exposed wiring and circuitry. The visor was attached with screws. When the visor was removed, only the front of Murphy's face, from the top of the neck up, was exposed; the back of his head was entirely mechanical.[1] RoboCop told Ellen Murphy that his face was not really Murphy's, but rather constructed to honor him.[2]

RoboCop's hands also contained actuators strong enough to crush human bone (about 400 pounds).[1]


Despite all of RoboCop's technological advances, he was still limited to mechanical maintenance, which meant that he needed servicing and tune-ups from time to time. On top of that, his organic systems needed to be monitored as well, therefore the scientist working on him, such as Dr. Marie Lazarus, would have to monitor both systems during his rest periods.[5]

Despite his impressive reflexes, his overall locomotion was rather slow. He was never seen running except in one short instance, meaning he could not chase a fleeing suspect on foot, only by vehicle. Nevertheless, he was more often than not seen shooting to kill or disable his opponent. He was also exceptionally heavy; when he was temporarily disabled, it took over half a dozen officers to lift him off the ground.[2]

Another one of RoboCop's faults was that he was also programmable, meaning that in the wrong hands, he could be programmed to be incompetent, corrupted, or a dangerous threat to society.[2]

RoboCop occasionally had flashbacks of his previous life as Alex J. Murphy, which caused him to have "dreams" when he was in his recharging state. This sometimes caused him to sleepwalk or wake up in shock.[1]

While highly resistant to small arms, more powerful guns, such as machine guns, could easily inflict damage to him, especially at weak points like joints, such as when Hob shot RoboCop's entire right hand off.[2]

RoboCop's human brain was susceptible to concussions. A powerful enough blow to his head could stun the cyborg for a good amount of time. Hob, taking advantage of RoboCop's limitation prohibiting from shooting a minor, shot him in the head with a Desert Eagle in .44 caliber, powerful enough to cause him to malfunction and temporarily scramble his memories. Later on, a large crane hook slammed into RoboCop's head, knocking him out long enough for the Nuke gang to transport and chain him down.[2] Since his brain was still the core part of his processor and ability to function, if it were damaged enough, it would effectively kill him.

RoboCop's Auto-9 was separate from his body, Disarming him before he fired or preventing him from drawing his weapon could render him effectively useless considering his slow locomotion.

His human parts still required energy from consumed food. Because he lacked a complex digestive system, he had to be fed a very basic paste, similar to baby food, to sustain his brain and heart.[1] Baby food itself could also be ingested by him, with Baby Maid brand eventually becoming his main source of sustenance.[4]

Non-canon appearances[]


RoboCop as he appears in Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat 11[]

This section provides only an overview, see the RoboCop article on Mortal Kombat Wiki for more information.
"Alex Murphy was a dutiful police officer who was brutally executed by a local gang. Brought back to life through OCP technology, Murphy was transformed into RoboCop, a highly advanced cybernetic police officer designed to uphold the law and protect the innocent. Now entering the Mortal Kombat universe, RoboCop has received a few upgrades and is ready to serve the public by apprehending any Kombatants that stand in his way"

Mortal Kombat 11 biography

RoboCop appears as a guest fighter in the Mortal Kombat 11 expansion, Aftermath. Peter Weller reprises his role as RoboCop's voice actor. He is equipped with weapons like the Cobra Assault Cannon, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, a flamethrower and a retractable shield.

It is stated that RoboCop has received upgrades from Earthrealm Special Forces which allow him full range of motion and fluidity in his limbs as well as increasing his footspeed. In addition, the advanced weapons systems from the sequel movies, and the rambolts from the series have been integrated into his body.

In his arcade ending, RoboCop reveals that he was transported to Earthrealm while pursuing Kano, who was responsible for dealing weaponry to Old Detroit gangs. After defeating Kronika, he absorbs her power and his mind is not only freed by the various directives OCP input into his programming, but is opened to the depths of his creators' corruption. He vows to put an end to this when he returns, with the help of Sonya, Jax, Stryker and a post-Black Dragon Kabal.

RoboCop's fatalities contian references to the original film:

  • RoboCop slices his opponent's throat with his data spike, then uses his Auto 9 to shoot their hand off. An ED-209 shoots the opponent with its machine gun as RoboCop grabs a Cobra Assault Cannon and blows up the opponent. This fatality is based upon the deaths of Clarence Boddicker, Alex Murphy, and an ED-209, all in the original film.
  • RoboCop fires a grenade at his opponent and it bounces off of their head. He then shoots at their crotch. The bullets go through and hit the falling grenade, causing it to blow up the opponent. This fatality is based upon a scene in the original film where Murphy thwarts a rape attempt.


RoboCop - Outfit - Fortnite

RoboCop is an Epic Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale, that can be purchased in the Item Shop for  1,500 V-Bucks or with the RoboCop Bundle for  1,800 V-Bucks. RoboCop was first released in Chapter 3: Season 2 and is part of the Omni Consumer Products Set. Buying the RoboCop Bundle/Omni Cunsumer Products Set will also give you the LEG-209 Back Bling/Harvesting Tool Combo, along with the Lil' ED-209 Emote.

Behind the scenes[]


Actors who read for the role included Keith Carradine, Peter Fonda, David Carradine, Michael Ironside,[32] and Ray Wise. Wise would instead be cast as Leon Nash.[33]

Peter Weller, a method actor known for playing everyman characters, was cast as Murphy/RoboCop in RoboCop. Weller did not audition for the role and was instead cast after a discussion with Paul Verhoeven during which he displayed his movement abilities. His light build made it easier to work in the bulky RoboCop costume. Peter spent seven months training with mime coach Moni Yakim to fine tune his robotic movements only to find that the suit was far too bulky for what he had practiced. This caused a setback for the film, with production being shut down for a few days to allow Weller and Yakim to rework RoboCop's movements.[32]

The single most expensive aspect of the original film was the RoboSuit. The RoboSuit was designed by Rob Bottin, with additional work (including the under-helmet mechanics) by Miles Teves. Producer Jon Davison estimates that around $1 million of the $13 million budget was spent on the creation of the seven suits used in the film. Beginning with a bodycast of actor Peter Weller, the RoboSuit was sculpted from oil clay. Bottin's experience with urethane on another film project inspired him to cast the primary portions of the suit out of the material, believing that its flexibility would limit the amount of damage the suits would take. Unfortunately, the material also meant that repairs were difficult as the auto body filler used to restore the suits wouldn't adhere to the surface. The black portions of the suit were cast in foam rubber for flexibility. The helmets, along with a stunt suit used for the Shell station explosion, were cast in fiberglass.

Disagreements over the design between Bottin and director Paul Verhoeven delayed the suit's creation, and they weren't delivered to the set until the very day they were required for filming. After several hours of struggling to get Weller into the untested suit (anywhere from 6 to 11 hours, depending on who you ask) it then took the rest of the day to film a scene where Robo catches a set of thrown keys, the keys bouncing off of the foam rubber gloves take after take.

Although the suit-up time was eventually reduced to around 1.5 hours, the third act of the film required Weller to wear complex prosthetics in place of the helmet. Conceptualized by Rob Bottin and designed by Miles Teves, Bottin himself sculpted the prosthetic appliances. It took four hours for makeup artist Stephan Dupuis to apply the makeup in addition to the regular suit-up time. The nature of the makeup, and the Dallas summer heat, meant that scenes could only be filmed every other day, since Weller's face would be blistered and need time to heal before the prosthetics could be applied again. 

For leg-holster shots, a cable and spring-actuated system was created and installed within the lower half of a RoboSuit created specifically for that purpose. Terminating at the waist, the gag was operated by technicians pulling cables offscreen.

Only the upper half of the suit was worn by Weller during driving scenes. This was due to the lower half being so big that it was impossible for him to fit into the car.

RoboCop 2[]


Peter Weller (1990)

In 1990, Peter Weller reprised his role in RoboCop 2. This time the suit was built out of fibreglass and was a lot easier to move in. This gave the look of a RoboCop who was now settled and used to his new body.

With the aesthetics of the RoboCop design already proven, Bottin & Co. could focus on improving the RoboSuits for the sequel. With input from Weller's experiences on the first film, the new suit was created from casts taken from the original molds, bodyshopped to a more refined appearance, and new molds taken.

This time around, the suits were created from fiberglass and vacuum-formed plastic, with the gloves the only remaining foam rubber. The sections where the suit split apart were modified to make suit-up faster and easier, and the midsection was replaced with a series of interconnected parts that could twist and slide to allow movement. Although the suit's midsection was more restrictive than in the first film, the entire suit was lighter, more comfortable, and generally had a better range of motion.

The under-helmet makeup was revisited, this time sculpted by Henry Alvarez, who used one of the remaining prosthetics from the first film as a basis.

The leg-holster was also rebuilt for the film, using the more refined suit parts of the sequel, while also incorporating almost the entire body instead of just the legs. A technician, laying on a raised platform behind the holstering suit, could wear the suit arms and insert/remove the Auto-9 pistol as it was operated.

Although a second sequel and a television series were made, this was the last time Weller played the role in film, due to scheduling conflicts with the film Naked Lunch. However, he also did not find RoboCop 2 to be a particularly positive experience. He complained about some scenes not making into the final cut, "There was a couple of things that made the character more human that weren't used. I can't remember exactly what the scenes were, I just remember wondering why they weren't in." These deleted scenes have never been included on home video releases. Nearly three decades later, Weller provided the voice of RoboCop in a 2019 KFC ad campaign titled "Colonel RoboCop" and the Aftermath expansion for the video game Mortal Kombat 11. He reprised the role in the video game RoboCop: Rogue City.

RoboCop 3[]


Robert Burke (1993)

Following the departure of Peter Weller, Robert John Burke was signed to play the cyborg character instead. The RoboCop suit Burke wore in the movie was originally built for RoboCop 2. Since Burke was taller than Weller, he complained that wearing it was painful after a short time. Burke worked very hard to recreate the movements that Weller had perfected in the previous movies. Other than a very noticeable change in the voice effects Burke's RoboCop was well received even if the movie wasn't.

With Peter Weller unable/unwilling to return for the second sequel, budget-minded Orion Pictures decided to cast a new actor in the role who could fit inside the suits created for the second film. Although Robert John Burke was a close match, several suit parts had to be modified to fit his body; the thighs and collar were extended, the interior of the helmet was enlarged, etc.

Overall, the suits were still the ones used on RoboCop 2, which meant that Burke had to endure not only the already restrictive and uncomfortable nature of the suits, but also all the additional weight of the auto body filler used to repair the suits over the course of RoboCop 2's production.

RoboCop 3 did feature a few new additions not carried over from the first sequel, namely the "flightpack" and "weapon arm". Although the specifics changed depending on what it was required to do within the scene, the weapon arm used a Calico 950A machine pistol, and an operating flamethrower. Additional versions, including one which fired a wire-guided model rocket, and another with a complex locking mechanism built-in, could not be worn by the actor and were instead attached to an empty suit arm.

The flightpack was created from fiberglass and vacuum-formed plastic, with additional metal, plastic, and rubber details added on, including illuminating lights and a version with mechanically actuated functions.

Rob Bottin once again sculpted Murphy's prosthetics as he did on the first, noting that Burke's features weren't as complementary to the design as Weller's were.

The leg-holster effect, kept mostly intact from the second film, was modified to reflect the slight changes made to the suit's thighs.

RoboCop: The Series[]

RoboCop ser

Richard Eden(1994)

In the early stages of casting for RoboCop: The Series, Skyvision was in negotiation with Peter Weller, the original RoboCop, to reprise his role. However this did not come to fruition and Richard Eden was cast. Eden had the job of portraying a different side of RoboCop than had ever been seen before. He was a very convincing RoboCop until his helmet was removed. Some reviewers claimed that his face appeared too soft (feminine features). RoboCop had always had a somewhat menacing look about him without his helmet on. Eden did not look menacing at all in the makeup. In fact he always looked very sad. He also lacked the strong jaw line that Peter Weller and Robert Burke both had.

With production of based in Canada, new suits were created for actor Richard Eden. Molds were taken from suits used on RoboCop 3, resulting in RoboSuits that didn't quite fit the actor, since the thighs and collar had been extended for Robert John Burke.

The prosthetic makeup was mostly kept intact, with a few features simplified, but the face was resculpted. The large budget of The Series meant that the effects team could experiment, and Murphy's facial prosthetics were cast in silicone instead of foam latex. Unfortunately, silicone painting techniques were underdeveloped at the time, resulting in a pale and lifeless appearance unhelped by a soft and non-aggressive sculpture.

Several new gags were created for The Series, including a Terminal Strip that could be attached to the actor's glove, enabling him to insert or remove it from computer interfaces without camera trickery.

Although a left leg-holster was incorporated into the show, there was only ever one built. The holster gag built for the sequels was reused or rebuilt for The Series, with the shots simply mirrored in post-production for the left leg.

RoboCop: Prime Directives[]


Page Fletcher (2000)

For the miniseries RoboCop: Prime Directives, Richard Eden was initially approached to reprise the role, but negotiations fell through. Page Fletcher was eventually cast as RoboCop. Many people have wondered how this decision came about, with Fletcher being shorter than most of the cast. Fletcher also did not mimic the movement style of previous RoboCop actors, instead creating his own style.

Rob Bottin once again provided the suits, creating the aged and battle-damaged look of the RoboCop suits through intricate paint applications. For the larger RoboCable, the suits were cast in carbon fiber to reduce weight, with the joints extended to accommodate actor Maurice Dean Wint.

However, the height of RoboCop actor Page Fletcher meant that the suits, which were actually rented from Bottin, had to be modified on-set without Bottin's permission.

All leg holster shots in Prime Directives were reused from The Series, with a dark tint added for RoboCable's holsters.

RoboCop: Rogue City[]

Peter Weller reprised the role in both voice and likeness in the video game RoboCop: Rogue City, set between the second and third films.


  • RoboCop's appearance and character was loosely inspired by the Japanese comic The 8 Man and the first Metal Hero Space Sheriff Gavan (1982), he was also inspired by American action comic book heroes such as the titular characters from The Invincible Iron-Man and Judge Dredd.
  • RoboCop doesn't start recording Clarence Boddicker's admission of working with Dick Jones until after he finishes the statement, "Anything you say will be used in a court of law."


RoboCop (1987 film)[]

RoboCop 2[]



  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 RoboCop (1987)
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 RoboCop 2
  3. RoboCop 2 (comic book adaptation)
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 RoboCop: Rogue City
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 RoboCop 3
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 RoboCop: The Series – "The Future of Law Enforcement"
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 RoboCop: The Series – "Prime Suspect"
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 RoboCop: The Series – "Trouble in Delta City"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 RoboCop: The Series – "Officer Missing"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 RoboCop: The Series – "What Money Can't Buy"
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 RoboCop: The Series – "Ghosts of War"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 RoboCop: The Series – "Zone Five"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 RoboCop: The Series – "Provision 22"
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 RoboCop: The Series – "Faces of Eve"
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 RoboCop: The Series – "When Justice Fails"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 RoboCop: The Series – "The Human Factor"
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 RoboCop: The Series – "Inside Crime"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 RoboCop: The Series – "RoboCop vs. Commander Cash"
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 RoboCop: The Series – "Illusions"
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 RoboCop: The Series – "The Tin Man"
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 RoboCop: The Series – "Sisters in Crime"
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 RoboCop: The Series – "Heartbreakers"
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 RoboCop: The Series – "Mother's Day"
  24. 24.00 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.05 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 24.10 24.11 24.12 RoboCop: The Series – "Nano"
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 RoboCop: The Series – "Corporate Raiders"
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 26.7 26.8 RoboCop: The Series – "Midnight Minus One"
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 RoboCop: The Series – "Public Enemies"
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 28.5 RoboCop: Prime Directives – "Dark Justice"
  29. 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 29.5 RoboCop: Prime Directives – "Meltdown"
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 RoboCop: Prime Directives – "Resurrection"
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 RoboCop: Prime Directives – "Crash & Burn"
  32. 32.0 32.1 RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop – "Destination Delta City"
  33. RoboDoc: The Creation of RoboCop – "Verhoeven's Mantra"